Parametric Solid Modeling Software

3d parametric solid modeling free download - Solid YouTube Downloader and Converter, Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express, Best 3D Modeling Software, and many more. Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2020 contains a series of seventeen tutorial style lessons designed to introduce Autodesk Inventor, solid modeling, and parametric modeling.

Affordable standalone Scan to CAD software. Its simple yet powerful tools make it easy to convert any 3D scan meshes into parametric or surface CAD models.

Ultimate Scan to CAD Solution For Your 3D Scanner

QUICKSURFACE is an all-in-one solution that gives you complete access to extract information from 3D scanner data as a reference to create usable CAD models with ease. Using the software’s real-time deviation analyzer, it keeps track of how far your CAD model deviates from the scan data. As a result, you have full control as to how your final results will turn out with great accuracy, at any given time.


Once you scanned your object using a 3D scanner, export the file from your scanning software and load it into QUICKSURFACE. It’s great at working with large meshes with no issues. Compatible files for importing:

  • STL
  • OBJ
  • PLY
  • PTY


QUICKSURFACE transforms scan data to CAD by giving you tools to:

  • Sketch 2D cross sections, extruded, and revolved surfaces for parametric modeling
  • Create freeform surfaces manually with complete control, or fully automated with Autosurfacing


Once you are done, export as:

  • Industry standard STEP or IGES file to use in other CAD program, or
  • Transfer directly the full parametric tree into SOLIDWORKS

Get Started For Free

Start your 30-day, full-featured free trial. Download and install it on your computer for Windows. No credit card required.

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From simple to complex, and/or prismatic to organic objects, you can create CAD models using the following methods:

Equipped With Powerful Tools

Extract geometric features with best fit algorithms, draw 3D sketches directly on the reference mesh, and build surfaces. The parametric behavior and real-time deviation analyzer give you the flexibility and control usually only available in higher-end packages.

Simplicity Is Best

While reverse engineering can often become cumbersome work, QUICKSURFACE user interface makes it easy to navigate and use to get the job done. Create your CAD models quickly all the while getting the results you always wanted.

Low-Cost CAD Solution

QUICKSURFACE is priced lower than other high-end reverse engineering solutions, while still delivering professional-end results. Because mesh editing tools are already included with your 3D scanner, QUICKSURFACE only provides you with essential scan to CAD tools. This way, it keeps the solution affordable.

View Feature Video

Two Versions To Choose From

Full Version

  • Parametric modeling
  • Freeform organic modeling
  • Hybrid parametric modeling

Freeform Version

  • Freeform organic modelling
  • Automatic or manual surfacing of complex shapes

Excels At Creating CAD For Complex Parts

There are times when parts have a mix of mechanical and organic geometry that needs to be converted from Scan to CAD. With QUICKSURFACE, you can combine the best of both worlds with Hybrid CAD Modeling. In this example, the top surface was made with freeform surfacing and the rest of the part is created using classic extraction of primitives.

Product Review

QuickSurface – Tools for efficiently working with mesh-based data from 3D scanners are few and far between and can often be costly. KVS’s new product looks to change that.

QuickSurface is one of those applications that’s likely going to prove useful to many, particularly as 3D scanning becomes more accessible and workflows become more entrenched in our design and engineering offices.

What’s more, it delivers this capability in a very competitive price bracket much more closely aligned with the mid-range scanning devices now available.

Al DeanCo-Founder, Develop3D

Start Reverse Engineering Today!

Buy Now

Marian Bozdoc, Auckland NZ


The Chronology of this paper is based on Marian Bozdoc's material. Periodically this information will be renewed with information from him or elsewhere.
The original site however is dead: URL: Another site is now displaying his material too:


What word processing is for a writer and an office worker, CAD is that for engineers. It's the electronic drawingboard. And belongs typically to the High Tech world.

CAD is known to only a relatively small group of professionals, who are using it to translate the ideas, sketches, or scribbles on a piece of paper into designs on a computer(screen). The program then creates workplans, manufacturing specifications etcetera, that can be used in the workshops to make the object.

In other words Computer Aided Design is software that enables draughtsmen, constructors, engineers and the like to create their drawings on a computer.


Drawings for houses are now only made with CAD.
Do you want the architect to change a door or replace a window? Use different wood, have a bigger terrace, make the house one meter higher, larger? Or even one extra floor? No problem. The program will automatically change measures, conduits, piping and the bill of material for you. No big deal.

But it has been a long and difficult process creating the software before the engineer could do that so easy.

And it must be also not too surprising that there are only a few players in the field. Yes to make a program for CAD is very, very complicated and cost a lot of effort and thus money. Therefor the program is expensive.

The overall costs are high though.
An engineer needs extensive continuous training, a high powered computer and peripherals, and frequent updates of the software.

The one who has to pay for that is YOU, the customer.

Just remember this when you want to have the engineer, or your architect, change something. It might seem easy and just costs a few minutes to realize that, but the overhead and development costs are high.


CAD started as a very simple drawing program, enabling the user to draw straight lines, make curves, create a picture on the screen and print that.
But the drawing program rapidly evolved into an object oriented environment using Lisp and C as programming tools. Soon supported by libaries of pre-drawn (pre-feb) objects that could be resized to fit the design.

Auto tracing is another feature that gives CAD advantage over the honest manual work.
Say you want to draw the piping scheme for your central heating. In CAD you only have to indicate the beginning and end points and CAD draws the lines, connectors, and valves from beginning to end. No more figuring out where to lay a pipe, drill a hole, bend a form and calculate the optimum path. CAD does that for you.

Again some years later 3D modeling was the next development that pushed this technology. Design time and development of new machines, planes, common utensils, household goods drasticaly went down. The user can now see real objects on the screen in 3D that can be turned around to get a better impression.

When the programming tools were introduced the CAD system could be used for additional work. Now it was possible to calculate strength, pressure and torsion stress, and even windshear, weather and earthquake simulations could be programmed. Thanks to this new techniques a lot of material could be saved. And more complex constructions made. If you compare between the constructions of the Eiffel tower and the Tokyo financial skyscraper there is a vast difference in the sheer size, thickness and choice of material and complexity. Or the planes from the 1960's and now? A Boeing 767 could not have been build without the help of CAD.

In the 21st century almost everything is designed and manufactured with CAD and systems derived from it: CAM - computer aided manufacturing.




The first graphic system was in mid 1950 the US Air Force's SAGE (Semi Automatic Ground Environment) air defense system. The system was developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln Laboratory.
The system involved the use of CTR displays to show computer-processed radar data and other information.

Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty known as 'the Father of CADD/CAM' for his pioneering contributions to the field of computer-aided design and manufacturing, developed in 1957 PRONTO, the first commercial numerical-control programming system.


In 1959 the CalComp company is founded.


In 1960, Ivan Sutherland used TX-2 computer produced at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory to produce a project called SKETCHPAD, which is considered the first step to CAD industry.

Bill Barnes established in his garage in Denver on 15 January 1962, Auto-trol and manufactureed the first product, a digitizer. Mr. Barnes named the company Auto-trol as a shortened version of automated control, which he had given to a product he developed in the 1950s. Cash link slots games.

Parallel projects were developed at ITEK and General Motors.
The ITEK project was called The Electronic Drafting Machine and used a PDP-1 computer from Digital Equipment Corp., a vector -refresh display and a large disk memory device used to refresh the graphic display. Inputs commands were done with an electronic light pen.
While at General Motors Research Laboratories in the 1960s, Dr. Hanratty was a co-designer of DAC (Design Automated by Computer), the first production interactive graphics manufacturing system.

In 1960 McDonnell Douglas Automation Company (McAuto) founded. It will play a major role on CAD developments with the introduction of CADD program.

The first Computer-Aided Design programs used simple algorithms to display patterns of lines at first in two dimensions, and then in 3-D.
Early work in this direction had been produced by Prof. Charles Eastman at Carnegie-Mellon University, the Building Description System is a library of several hundred thousands architectural elements, which can be assembled and drawn on screen into a complete design concept.

In 1962, SLS Environectics in Chicago began development of the Man-Mac machine, intended to draft plans for interior office space.

In mid 1960 large computers characterized the period, vector display terminals and software development done in assembly language.

The only significant attempt to create a commercially CAD system was Control Data Corporation's Digigraphics division, a successor to the previously mentioned ITEK.
The system costs half million dollars and were sold in few units.

In March 1965 Donald Welbourn heard a lecture to the Engineering Society by Strachey of the Mathematical Laboratory (now the Department of Computer Science) on the early work at MIT on Computer Aided Design (CAD).
Repix 1 3 1 – resize multiple images at once seen. He was so fascinated by this that the following morning he caught the Head of the Cambridge University Engineering Department, Prof. J.F.Baker (later the Lord Baker of Trumpington) in the tea-room, told him about it, and said that we must get started in this field.
Baker was enthusiastic, and by the end of the year, the Science Research Council had awarded Baker and Welbourn a grant of £65,000 with which to start work on CAD.
Initially work was done on the PDP11 graphics computer and a joint team was formed under the leadership of C.A.Lang.
The first research student was A.R.Forrest, who tackled the problem of how to define the blended intersection of two cylinders.
The conceptual breakthrough of defining objects in terms of 3D reference lines, analogous to the draughtsman's centre line, together with cross-sections normal to them, was produced by S.Matthews, seconded by the Ford Motor Co.

1967 Dr. Jason R Lemon founds SDRC in Cincinnati.

In 1968 Donald Welbourn, now the Director in Industrial Co-Operation at Cambridge University, had the vision to see the possibility of using computers to assist pattern makers to solve the problems of modelling difficult 3D shapes.
Today we take for granted 3D modelling, in 1968 only crude 2D drawing systems were available using terminals linked to large main frame computers.
Initial work was sponsored by Ford but finding money to support the development was a constant problem for Donald Welbourn.
Only six years later he managed to obtain sponsorship from Control Data in Germany, and Delta Engineering Group. Control Data offered DUCT initially as a bureau services, especially to two of its largest German customers Volkswagen and Daimler Benz.

David Evans and Ivan Sutherland founded in 1968 Evans and Sutherland.

Dr. Hanratty founded United Computing in 1969. In the same year MAGI company is founded and releases Syntha Vision considered by many to be the first commercial solid modeler program.

In 1969 were founding Computervision and Applicon companies.
Computervision was created to produce systems for production drafting and in the same year it sold the first commercial CAD system to Xerox.


Several other companies began to offer automated design/drafting systems in early 70s.
Applicon was more a research-oriented company. In the mid 80s it was acquired by Schlumberger and then merged with MDSI which Schlumberger had acquired earlier.

Colma was originally a manufacturer of digitizer used in mapping and integrated circuit manufacturing, and starts to move to the graphic industry at the same time.
In mid 80s Colma was acquired by General Electric and then sold to Prime Computer.

M&S Computing founded (later becomes Intergraph). At the beggining it was a consulting firm that supported government agencies in using digital technology. Among these technologies were application-oriented user interfaces that communicated with users in the language of their applications, rather than in programming terminology.
The first Intergraph computer graphics system to apply these innovative computing concepts was used by the federal government for designing printed circuit boards.


Meanwhile, in 1971, Donald Welbourn had become Director in Industrial Co-operation and Director of the Wolfson Cambridge Industrial Unit. He persuaded the Pye Foundation to support T.H.Gossling, a member of the Unit, in developing DUCT.
Control Data had also become interested in the work, seeing it as a front end for creating Finite Element meshes. As a result of this industrial support, Welbourn, had been able in 1974 to get a grant from it for Dr.R.B.Morris and Dr.J.Matthewman to continue developing DUCT.
The Science Research Council had said that this work was no longer research, while industry was saying that a lot more development was required.
Faced with a potential disaster vis-à-vis the DTI, Welbourn took the direction of the work back into his own hands. and started systematically to test the programs, and the instruction manuals.
This resulted in a quality of handbook which was partly responsible for VW and Daimler-Benz taking licenses for DUCT, since they said that they had never seen such clear instructions produced by any firm, let alone by a university.
Welbourn never did any of the programming in connection with the work, but made it his job to set targets for what needed to be done, to get money and to get able staff to do the work. In the early stages of the work, up to the oil crisis of 1973, he had got a dozen or so firms to second men to work with the team in Cambridge, thus enabling the firms to get experience of CAD without having to find the capital for a dedicated computer.

MCS was founded in 1971 by Dr. Patrick J. Hanratty. Since the day it was founded in 1971, MCS has enjoyed an enviable reputation for technological leadership in mechanical CADD/CAM software.
In addition to selling products under its own name, in its early years MCS also supplied the CADD/CAM software used by such companies as McDonnell Douglas (Unigraphics), Computervision (CADDS), AUTOTROL (AD380), and Control Data (CD-2000) as the core of their own products.
In fact, industry analysts have estimated that 70% of all the 3-D mechanical CADD/CAM systems available today trace their roots back to MCS's original code.

The company's first product, ADAM (Automated Drafting and Machining), was released in 1972, ran on 16-bit computers, and was one of the first commercially available mechanical design packages.

In 1972 the CUED was able to obtain two 3-axis n/c machine tools with a DTI grant to help the m/c tool industry, thus enabling the work in CAD to be expanded into CAM.
One of these, a Hayes milling machine, went onto the firm's stand at the Machine Tool Exhibition at Olympia that Autumn, and thanks to a sterling effort by P.J.Payne, a jug-like object, was cut on the stand.
This was probably the first ever public demonstration of 3-D CADCAM at a machine tool exhibition.

1972: The earliest Intergraph (M&S Computing) terminal was designed to create and display graphic information. Composed of unaltered stock parts from various vendors, the terminals consisted of a single-screen Tektronix 4014 display terminal with an attached keyboard and an 11-inch by 11-inch 'menu' tablet that provided the operator with a selection of drawing commands.


the Hillman Trust purchased Auto-trol. That same year, Auto-trol emerged as a pioneer in the fledgling CAD industry by announcing Auto-Draft, one of the first turnkey graphics systems available. .

There was also a significant amount of internal development at major automotive and aerospace firms like General Motors, Ford, Chrysler and Lockheed, which work hard, on CADAM.

By the end of 1973 and the beginning of 1974 a number of firms had paid the WCIU to make simple tools for them. These were probably the first industrial tools, other than those for automobile bodies, to be made using CADCAM.
They were both programmed by T.H.Gossling, and made in the CUED workshop.



In 1974 the first commercial sale of an M&S system. The system - based on a PDP central processor from Digital Equipment Corporation - ran the first version of Intergraph's original core graphics software, the Interactive Graphics Design System (IGDS), and was used for mapping applications.


Electronic Data System Corporation (EDS) is founded in 1975

A major improvement was the new 19' display terminals from Tektronix in 1975, which allows to display larger drawings than the original 11' units.

In 1975 Avions Marcel Dassault (AMD) purchased CADAM (Computer-Augmented Drafting and Manufacturing) software equipment licenses from Lockheed thus becoming one of the very first CADAM customers.

Early solid modeling software first started showing up in the late 70s. Taking basic geometric objects such a sphere, block, cylinders and wedges and combining them using Boolean operations such a remove a cylinder from a block to create a hole.


In 1976, MCS introduced AD-2000, a design and manufacturing system for the first 32-bit computers.

In 1976 United Computing, developer of the Unigraphics CAD/CAM/CAE system, acquired by Mc Donnell Douglas company.


By 1977, Avions Marcel Dassault assigned its engineering team the goal of creating a three-dimensional, interactive program, the forerunner of CATIA (Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application).
Its major advance over CADAM was that all-important third dimension.
While CADAM automated the existing world of two-dimension engineering, essentially drafting and calculation with roots in descriptive plane geometry, CATIA lifted Dassault engineers into the world of 3-D modeling, removing the possibility of misinterpreting two-dimensional data and generating a host of immediate benefits.

In 1977 a new department called Delta Technical Services was formed at Cambridge University to continue research in CAD, but it remained difficult to justify the technology as computers were slow and expensive and the available software had few automatic features and was difficult to use.


In 1978, Computervision introduced the first CAD terminal using raster display technology.
In the late 70s, Computervision made a costly decision to build their own computer system.
Once the new 32-bit systems replaced the old systems, Computervision was no more on the first line and switched to Sun Microcomputers. Finally it was acquired by Prime.

In 1978 the Computer Graphics Newsletter, a 2 years old publication, change the owner and will become Computer Graphics World magazine.


In 1979, Auto-trol became the first company to market technical publishing applications to be used to produce the complex technical illustrations needed for service manuals, parts catalogs, and engineering documentation.

In 1979 Boeing, General Electric and NIST develops a neutral file format as a contract from Air Space called IGES (Initial Graphic Exchange Standard).
It will become the industry standard format and the most widely accepted format for transferring complex surface information, such as NURBS curves.

At the same time Cymap, an English company, starts developing HVAC and Electrical drawings software. Their major product will be CADLink.

At the end of 70s a typical CAD system was a 16-bit minicomputer with maximum of 512 Kb memory and 20 to 300 Mb disk storage at a price of 125,000 USD.


T&W Systems releases Versa CAD

Matra Datavision founded as part of Lagardene Group and starts producing CAD/CAM software.


Dassault Systems is created.
Computer graphics from Cornell University founded 3D/Eye Inc., a pioneered 3D and graphics technology.
Unigraphics introduced the first solid modeling system, UniSolid.
It was based on PADL-2, and was sold as a stand-alone product to Unigraphics.


CATIA Version 1 is announced as an add-on product for 3D design, surface modeling and NC programming.
Mini computers with much more power at less cost started to appear. This was a major step forward and by 1984 the technology began to be competitive with traditional methods.
For many years aircraft had of course been designed using computers, but now it was becoming possible to economically design saucepans and other domestic products with complex 3D shapes using a computer.
Autodesk was founded by sixteen people in April 1982 in California by initiative of John Walker in idea to create a CAD program for a price of $1000 to can run on PC. John Walker has been running Marinchip Systems for two years before. The first version of AutoCAD was based on a CAD program wrote in 1981 by Mike Riddle called MicroCAD, changed later in Interact.
A company called P-CAD released a CAD program called CADplan. Later the product was purchased by CalComp and renamed CADVANCE.
In November at COMDEX trade show in Las Vegas was demonstrated the first CAD program in the world that runs on PC. This was the initial release of AutoCAD and deliveries begun in December.


Unigraphics II introduced to market
Applicon introduces BRAVO! first 32-bit VAX based mechanical design/NC system
The first German and French versions of AutoCAD
The work has started for a new reliable and universal system of transferring data called STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data). STEP can transfer CAD data, to include complete details of product modeling including materials and various design parameters.
The first generally available STEP translator was released in 1991 by EDS Unigraphics.
Autodesk ships version 1.2 of AutoCAD in April, version 1.3 in August and version 1.4 in October.


CoCreate Software Inc., was established in 1984 as a division of Hewlett-Packard Company with the charter to expand the scope and focus for development of computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software products.
In 1996, CoCreate became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Co. and expanded its product offerings to include collaboration software solutions.

DUCT development continued at Cambridge together with the small team established at Delta in Birmingham.
By 1984 the Birmingham team was larger than that at Cambridge and the unique features of DUCT began to be recognised.
It was one of the very few systems developed from the beginning to design and machine products.
The equal emphasis on design and machining made it different to its competitors and this was appreciated by the users.
Most other systems had developed 2D draughting first, followed by 3D modelling with machining added later.

A Hungarian physicist, Gabor Bajor, smuggled two Macs into his country. At the time, ownership of personal computers was illegal under Communist rule. Using Pascal, he and a teenager, Tamas Hajas worked to write a 3D CAD program for the Mac which will be the beginning of Graphsoft Company.
Drafting capabilities are added to CATIA in 1984, enabling it to function independently of CADAM.
The first Autodesk Training Centre
In October AutoCAD version 2 (Release 5) with text improvements, DXFIN and DXFOUT commands, new Inquire commands, Object Snap, named views, Isometric capabilities and new Attribute features.


Keith Bentley founds Bentley Systems, Inc.

MicroStation provides advanced computer-aided design on PC. MicroStation began as a clone of another CAD package. Originally named PseudoStation, the software developed by Bentley Systems allowed users to view IGDS drawings files without needing Intergraph's software.
The next version of PseudoStation was renamed MicroStation and added the ability to edit IGDS files. After Intergraph purchased 50% of Bentley Systems, a new version of MicroStation added proprietary extensions to the IGDS and renamed it DNG.
CATIA Version 2 is announced with fully integrated drafting, solid and robotics functions.
CATIA becomes the aeronautical applications leader.
The first CAD Camp organized by Autodesk in San Rafael, California.
Autodesk sales were over $27 million this year.
Peter Smith and Livingston Davies found Micro-Control Systems and releases CADKEY, the first 3D PC CAP product
Diehl Graphsoft, Inc. is founded and the first version of MiniCAD is shipped in the same year. MiniCAD will become the best selling CAD program on the Macintosh.
Varimetrix founded.
AutoCAD version 2.1 in May with 3D capabilities and Polylines command.


On January 9, Deneba Software is officially incorporated. The company sets out to address the needs of Mac users with MacLightning - the first interactive spelling checker for Mac. It debuts at MacWorld Expo in San Francisco and is an instant hit. MacLightning 2.0 ships in August as does Voila - an outline processor desk accessory.
Version 2.18 of AutoCAD, launched in January, included the full AutoLISP programming language.

AutoLISP is an ASCII based language of interpreted type, originally derived from a shareware Lisp implementation called Xlisp.
AutoLISP extended the variables and expressions feature to let users write and store LISP programs that implement custom commands.
CADENCE magazine is established. Would become the world's largest independent CAD publication.

Parametric Solid Modeling Cad Software

Richard Sowar founded Spatial Technology which will debut officially one year later.
MCS introduced ANVIL-5000, a 3-D mechanical CADD/CAM/CAE system that, for over a decade, was the most powerful, fully integrated CADD/CAM/CAE software available, running on all classes of engineering computers from high-end workstations to personal computers

Dassault acquires CADAM

American Small Business Company releases DesignCAD
AutoCAD reaches 50,000 copies sold world wide.
AutoCAD has won since 1986 'The Best CAD Product' award from PC World magazine every year for the next 10 years.
AutoSketch 1.0 entry level CAD program from Autodesk.
In June AutoCAD version 2.5 (Release 7) with more editing and dimensioning commands enhancements.

General Motors selects Unigraphics company as a Strategic Partner
Since 1987 certified national courses of study by City and Guilds of London Institute in AutoCAD has been conducted.
ISICAD purchased CADVANCE and developed it into the first Windows based CAD application on the market.
Deneba begins publishing its products under its own label. A software equivalent to 3M's Post-it notes, it integrates seamlessly with Excel, Word, MacWrite and most other programs. The first release of Canvas sets a new standard in graphic design by bringing together painting and drawing onto the same page for the first time ever.
Varimetrix introduces one of the first PC based B-rep solid modeler.
Version 2.6 of AutoCAD (in April) introduces a compiled LISP but it still required the interpreter to run it.
AutoCAD Release 9 in September is the first version of AutoCAD to require an 80x87 math processor in computers based on Intel 8086 processors. All files produced by this version made compatible among all supported computers.
Release 9 includes as well an Advanced User Interface incorporating a menu bar, pull-down menus, icon menus and dialog boxes.

ADS (AutoCAD Development System) was introduced with release 9 for OS/2 operating system and allowed C code to be used instead of ASCII based AutoLISP. To enable C code to access AutoCAD internal data, a set of application programming interfaces (APIs) are supplied with AutoCAD.
Internally AutoCAD sees an ADS application exactly the same as a LISP routine.

Shape Data Ltd. acquired by Unigraphics for solids modeling capabilities -- Parasolid -- the production-proven kernel modeling toolkit.
Shape Data was developer of Romulus, Romulus-D and Parasolid applications.
Parasolid is a very powerful B-rep solid modeling kernel that allows the joining of boundaries represented surfaces together as a solid.
MacLightning, from Deneba, is renamed and re-launched as Coach Professional 3.0 - a complete spelling, thesaurus, and definitions reference system. Memorandum from deneba Software, is renamed and re-launched as Comment 2.0. Canvas 2.0 ships and proves to be an potent force in the then nascent digital graphics world. This version introduced a host of innovations including: multi-point Bezier curves, unlimited layers, 32-bit color, drawing precision, color separations, auto-tracing and dozens more.

CATIA Version 3 is announced with AEC functionality. CATIA is ported to IBM's UNIX-based RISC System/6000 workstations. CATIA becomes the automotive applications leader

Martin Newell founded Ashlar Incorporation and release Ashlar Vellum CAD software.

John Walker retained from the chair to devote to full-time programming.
Surfware Inc., ships the first version of SurfCAM, a CAD/CAM program.
In October Autodesk ships AutoCAD Release 10, with 3D enhancements.
Autodesk ships AutoSolid an add-on application for AutoCAD.


Unigraphics announced commitment to UNIX and open system architecture.

Pratt & Whitney selects Unigraphics as its system of choice.

New, STEP-compatible Parasolid kernel modelers for 3-D modeling introduced.

Parasolid integrated into Unigraphics iMAN PIM system jointly developed with Kodak
Autodesk buy Generic Software and Generic CADD program.

There are over 600 add-on applications for AutoCAD.
Acecad Software (England) ships the first version of Strucad, a high-end structural CAD program.
Canvas 2.1 is released and receives the coveted Editor's Choice Award from MacUser Magazine. The first German and French versions of Canvas are released. Deneba releases UltraPaint - a powerful entry-level painting and drawing application for Macintosh. UltraPaint featured 256-color painting, the world's first vector and raster open plug-in architecture, color gradients, vector masking, image processing filters. Refinements of these technologies would all find their way into Canvas 3 some years later.

Graphisoft US was established to sell and support ArchiCAD products in the US and Canada.
Parametric Pro releases T-FLEX, the first parametric mechanical CAD program for PC. It uses a propietary 3D kernel, the Baranov kernel. Later will migrate to ACIS.
CSC ships MicroCADAM, a CAD/CAM program which will become the best selling CAD product in Japan.
Parametric Technology ships the first version of Pro/ENGINEER.


ACIS 1.0 ships
Bentley Systems announces that the installed base of MicroStation reaches 100,000.
MicroStation expands to range of products
McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing) chooses Unigraphics as the corporate standard for mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE
Autodesk ships Animator Pro, a 2D painting and animation program for DOS.
By 1993 over 15,000 copies have been sold worldwide.
Visionary Design Systems Inc. is founded as an industry pioneer in solid modeling technology.
Visio Corporation is founded and start producing graphics and drawings software.
Autodesk ships in October AutoCAD Release 11 with network support features which allow the installation of a single copy of AutoCAD on a network server. Release 11 comes with the largest list of enhancements to date. Paper Space is used for the first time.
ADS was added for use on most platforms. ADI (Autodesk Device Interface) version 4.1 was provided primarily to facilitate optimal usage of display drivers when using Paper Space facility.
Auto Shade version 2 from Autodesk is an add-on for AutoCAD 11 that allowed to shade 3D models produced with AME. Autodesk Renderman was an addition for AutoCAD 12.
Intergraph was ranked No. 1 supplier of computer-aided design, manufacturing, and engineering (CAD/CAM/CAE) systems in North America and No. 2 in the world

By the end of this year, Autodesk has sold 500,000 copies of AutoCAD, 300,000 copies of Generic CAD and 200,000 copies of Auto Sketch.
At the time the three products were the world's top three best selling CAD programs.
AutoCAD has won since 1990, 'The Best CAD Product' awards from Byte magazine every year for the next 8 years. (Byte magazine started its award in 1990).


Since 1991, Microsoft developed Open GL for use with Windows NT. Open GL is an API procedural software interface for producing 3D graphics and includes approximate 120 commands to draw various primitives such as points, lines, and polygons.
Also includes support for shading, texture mapping, anti-aliasing, lighting and animation, atmospheric effects such as fogging and simulation of depth-of-field.
Open GL, developed by Silicon Graphics, is a standard for the 3D color graphics programming and rendering.
GE Aircraft Engine and GE Power Generation select Unigraphics as their CAD/CAM system
The Delta company, the developer of DUCT, was renamed Delcam International and changed it's status to plc (Public Limited Company).
EDS acquires the Unigraphics Division, renames the company Unigraphics Solutions UG/MX for CADAM to UG migration developed in strategic initiative with Fujitsu
The first Japanese version of UltraPaint ships. Canvas 3.0 is released concurrently with Apple's System 7 and takes the industry by storm. The long list of industry firsts include: support for all System 7 technologies including QuickTime, next-generation open architecture, font conversion to Bezier curves, object combinations, text on a curve, advanced typographic features, SmartMouse, SmartLines, vector gradients and much more. This quickly leads to numerous industry awards including Best Drawing program (MacUser) and Best Illustration Program (MacWeek). Canvas 3.0 goes international in a big way with the introduction of Japanese, Swedish, French, German, Italian and Spanish versions.
Varimetrix Corporation ships first version of its Varimetrix CAD/CAM product.
The first move of Autodesk to enter in architectural market with ArcCAD
Computervision acquires Promise. Inc.
Varimetrix develops a true hybrid geometric modeler and CAD system.
The first AutoCAD for SUN platforms.


Dassault Systems decides jointly with IBM to transfer the responsibility of CADAM to Dassault Systems of America, a company created in 1992 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Dassault Systems.
IBM agrees to acquire a minority interest in Dassault Systems. Since then, CATIA and CADAM are progressively unified by merging the best technological features of both systems.
First version of Visio Technical, an entry-level 2D drawing program from Visio Corporation.
AIA CAD Layering Guidelines, First Edition - The document turned out to be a best seller

Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center Established - Based on a defense review to consolidate diverging DOD efforts
Autodesk ships 3D Studio version 2 for DOS.
Autodesk ships AutoCAD Release 12 for DOS in June. Includes AutoCAD SQL Extension (ASE)/Autodesk SQL Interface (ASI) that lets you establish links between AutoCAD and an SQL database.
Advanced Modeling Extension (AME) release 2.1 is supported by Release 12, with region modeling and new solid primitives. AutoCAD Render is included with AutoCAD.
Release 12 uses ADI version 4.2.
By the end of this year over 21,000 seats of Unigraphics worldwide installed.
Inc. Magazine names Deneba Software as one of America's fastest growing companies. Deneba ArtWorks succeeds UltraPaint as entry-level graphics app of choice. Canvas for Windows is introduced at Comdex in Las Vegas. The Japanese version of Deneba ArtWorks ships. Deneba takes advantage of Canvas 3.0's advanced open architecture technology and introduces three add-on products for Canvas 3 in the form of 'ToolPaks.' Years later, an entire industry would be created around this concept.


CAM specialist mbp UNC Software GmbH (Cologne) acquired by Unigraphics Solutions.
Unigraphics introduces hybrid modeling, featuring both advanced parametric and traditional constructive modeling technologies.

Company becomes founding member of ProSTEP.

Opel chooses Unigraphics as strategic CAD/CAM/CAE system.
CATIA-CADAM Solutions Version 4 is announced. It significantly improves product line, robustness, open architecture, performance and ease of use.
A new « solutions » approach repackages individual software products into ready-to-use, user-based configurations of related products.
The new CATIA software family enables a company to perform several operations concurrently, such as designing in three dimensions, creating engineering drawings, analyzing a product or assembly, viewing it as a rendered image and speeding up manufacturing processes.
A committee of 16 institutions and companies and SoftSource defined and developed SVF (Simple Vector Format) considered the most efficient method to work with vector based drawing files on the Internet.
EDS Corporation ships Unigraphics vers. 10 with the SpaceBall 3D positioning device.
Autodesk acquires MicroEngineering Solutions
Autodesk ships 3D Studio version 3 for DOS. Can be used to create sophisticated animation of AutoCAD drawings.
Canvas 3.5 for Windows ships.
Canvas 3.5 for Macintosh ships.

Secret work on a complete rewrite of Canvas begins.
John Kirschtick from Computervision founded a new CAD company called SolidWorks, Inc.
The first AutoCAD (Release 12) for Windows platforms. It required 8 MB RAM and 34 MB Hard Drive space for complete installation.
The Windows version of AutoCAD includes 36 icons toolbox, allows multiple AutoCAD sessions, separate Render window, support for Windows GUI, DDE and OLE, as well as Drag-and-Drop and Bird's Eye view capabilities.
The AutoCAD main menu has been eliminated; After initial configuration, AutoCAD displays the graphics screen.
AutoCAD 12 for Windows was one of the most successful CAD programs ever.
Autodesk delivers Design Expert, an Integrated Package of AutoCAD 12 and AutoSurf for SUN Sparc Station.
In December CINEMA 4D version 1 is released for Amiga with a resounding success troughout Europe.


Autodesk sales reach $465 million.
Autodesk ships 3D Studio version 4, the last version for DOS platforms.
It comes with Inverse Kinematics module which allows to work with linked objects in a realistic mode.
AusCAD/Cam version 10.
Visual CADD from Numerica Software. One year later the product is bought by Corel Corporation.
Design CAD 3D for DOS. One year later the Windows version hits the market.
DrafixCAD version 3 from Foresight Resources Co.
Micrografx Designer ver. 4.1 for Windows.
CADD Council Established - NIBS Board of Directors voted to start the council
MicroStation version 5.
MiniCAD version 5.
Hewlett Packard ships version 3.5 of PE/Solid Designer, its high end Solid Modeling.
50,000 seats installed to date.
Archigraph ships PowerDraw version 6 for Mac platforms.
Site Designer version 1 from Land CADD Int., a landscape CAD program.
CINEMA 4D version 2.0 for Amiga in November.
In November Autodesk ships AutoCAD Release 13.
The Windows interface consists of standard Windows user-interface components, similar to those used in other Windows programs.
Auto Surf 2.0 from Autodesk is an add-on for AutoCAD 12 which adds almost 50 commands to AutoCAD for creating primitive surfaces.
It supports DOS, HP-UNIX and SUN platforms.
AutoSurf was originally a program called Solution 3000 developed by Micro Engineering Solution.
Autodesk bought the company and renamed the program as Auto Surf version 1.
Canvas 3.5 for Windows receives the Win100 Award from Windows Magazine.
By the end of this year AutoCAD alone topped one million mark worldwide.
The next two CAD systems (outside Autodesk) were Cadkey (with 180,000 copies sold) and MicroStation (with 155,000 copies).


Bentley's MicroStation Advanced solid modeling for mechanical design ships.
Installed base reaches 200,000
3M selects Unigraphics Solutions for major software, services and consulting engagement
CINEMA 4D version 3.0 for Amiga
Delphi Interior & Lighting Systems chooses Unigraphics' iMAN product for enterprise-wide PIM integration worldwide
Motor Coach Industries selects both Unigraphics and iMAN to fulfill the company's goal of producing full managed virtual prototypes of its tour buses, including a 10,000-part plus virtual coach
Unigraphics on Microsoft Windows NT debuted
Unigraphics Solutions named Most Promising Company of the Future at Autofact Asia '95
CATIA-CADAM AEC Plant Solutions are announced.
This next generation object-oriented plant modeling system enables powerful knowledge-based engineering capabilities that can dramatically streamline the process of plant design, construction and operation. It brings the power of 'smart' applications to the desktop with next generation object-oriented modeling.
Autodesk develops the WHIP driver.
Autodesk acquires Automated Methods Ltd., a GIS developer.
First Autodesk Web site
By end of 1995, Autodesk has sold 3 million software copies worldwide from which 1.3 million are AutoCAD (200,000 AutoCAD Rel.13), and 300,000 AutoCAD LT.
EDS Corporation announced that has an installed base of 35,000 seats of Unigraphics worldwide, including General Motors, McDonnell-Douglas, US Navy, Fujitsu, Apple Computers and Cannon.
Autodesk ships the first version of 3D Studio for NT platform, called 3D Studio MAX.
AutoCAD View from Autodesk is a CAD tool for viewing and redlining drawings. It can access more than 150 file formats.
FIT, Inc., purchased ISICAD and their product CADVANCE.
CADKEY version 7.
DrafixCAD version 4 from Foresight Resources Co., followed by Drafix Quick CAD.
Design Post version 1 from Computervision, based on PELOROS object oriented architecture.
Canvas 5 is announced to a stunned public at MacWorld Expo in Boston and then at Comdex Las Vegas. Where Canvas 3.5 integrated painting and drawing, Canvas 5 integrated image editing, vector illustration, advanced typography and desktop publishing into one seamless cross-platform environment.
Felix CAD version 2 from Felix CAT (Germany).
IDEAS Master Series version 2.1 from SDRC. Mazda Motors Corp. will install 2,400 seats of this product.
Medusa, a mechanical engineering, high-end CAD program from Computervision.
Computervision ships MicroDraft version 6.1, a 2D CAD program for DOS and UNIX platforms.
MicroStation 95 from Bentley includes a Basic programming tool and ODBC support. First delivered for Windows 95 platform. A Windows NT version available two years later.
MicroStation Modeler version 1, based on ACIS Kernel engine.
An entry-level architectural CAD program from Foresight Resources: PLANIX HOME.
Parametric Technology ships Pro/E version 15, the first parametric modeling CAD/CAM program and the first high-end 3D solid modeling package available on NT platforms.
Parametric Technology releases a cut-down version of its high-end product called Pro/Junior which runs on Windows 95.
Dassault Systems ships ProCADAM, a shorter version of CATIA for use on NT systems.
AutoSurf version 2.1 for use with AutoCAD 13, integrates precise NURBS technology and Advanced Surfacing. Bundled with AutoSurf was the AutoCAD IGES Translator which ensured data translation across many different CAD systems.
AutoCAD Designer release 1.2 from Autodesk, is a parametric solid modeling tool integrated with AutoCAD 12 and 13. It can import AME models and export models created with Designer into 3D Studio. It can calculate mass propriety and momentum of inertia.
By the end of 1995 over 40,000 copies has been sold worldwide.
Autodesk ships the first version of Mechanical Desktop, a design system for the mechanical workgroup integrated into AutoCAD 13. Includes AutoCAD Designer 3, Assembly Modeler 1.0, Auto Surf 3.0, Auto Vision and Part Spec library. Runs under Windows 95 and NT platforms.
Autodesk becomes the fifth largest software company in the world.
PTC is ranked the no. 1 supplier in Mechanical CAD/CAM/CAE industry.
By the end of the year over 350,000 users of Generic CAD worldwide.

Spatial Technology goes public.
Bentley's MicroStation Architectural modeling & plant engineering products ship
Bentley launches Geoengineering initiative and products
After a longer than expected development cycle, Canvas 5 ships simultaneously for Windows and Macintosh platforms in late 1996. Polaroid Japan is named as an exclusive distributor of Canvas to the Japanese market.
EDS splits off from GM, becoming an independent, publicly owned company, with stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange
Unigraphics introduces advanced assembly capabilities featuring interference checking, state-of-the-art CAM and industrial design capabilities for Class A surface modeling
General Motors signs largest CAD/CAM contract in history selecting Unigraphics as its single vehicle development software platform.

Parasolid rapidly gains widespread penetration into market as defacto standard for high-end, mid-range and commercial CAD/CAM/CAE development
CATIA-CADAM Solutions Version 4 are made available on Silicon Graphics, Hewlett Packard and Sun platforms.
In April Intergraph ships the first version of its 2D CAD program Imagineer Technical.
Bentley SELECT technology and service subscription program debuts
Solid Edge version 3 from Intergraph hits the market at the price of around USD 6000.
SolidWorks Co. ships Solid Works, an ambitious 3D package based on Parasolids modeling Kernel. It comes with a good complex surface modeling and a good graphical user interface.
3D/EYE Inc., ships Tri Spectives Technical version 2, a modeling, illustration and animation program for Windows platforms, at a very low price.
IMSI ships TurboCAD 2D/3D version 3 for DOS, Windows and Mac.
The 3D capabilities were available only for Mac platforms.
EDS Unigraphics version 11 with 4 new CAM modules.
EDS Corporation delivers Unigraphics/Creator, a cut-down version of Unigraphics for Windows NT platforms, full inter-useability with the full version.
Vasimetrix ships version 5 of its high-end CAD/CAM program. Varimetrix is based on the property Unified Parametric Geometry architecture. Used by companies such AT & T and British Aerospace.
Xitron Software Corp., ships XCAD version 3.1 for Windows platforms.
In August Autodesk ships Mechanical Desktop version 1.1
Lightscape version 3, a high-end rendering and animation package, comes with IES photo-metric data capabilities. IES (Illuminating Engineers Society) is the industry standard for describing the shape and intensity of light energy distribution froma light source, ray tracing, natural light according to location and orientation of the building.
In September CINEMA 4D v. 4 for Windows, Alpha NT and Mac was released with great success. Next month the first Multi-Processor version of program is made available.
Lightwave 3D version 5 and 5.5 from New Tek, a high-end rendering, modeling and animation program.
Visual Software ships the first version of Renderize Live, a rendering and animation program.
AutoCAD LT 95.
Diehl Graphsoft released MiniCAD 6 for Windows, the first cross-platform version of MiniCAD.
NIBS, AIA, CSI and Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center sign a Memorandum of Understanding to develop the NCS
Camand version 11, a CAM product from SDRC.
In October is founded DATACAD LLC by purchasing the rights for development, distribution and marketing for DataCAD product line from Micro Control Systems, Inc. DataCAD is a professional A/E/C CADD program for architectural design, photorealistic renderings and animation. By 2000 the company reports over 250,000 installations worldwide, the second most widely used CAD software by architects.
ACIS 2.1 is realized in October.
Corel Visual CADD version 2 (a 2D program) and CorelCAD ( a 3D version) from Corel.
Drafix CAD from Ditek Software.
Felix CAD version 3 is compatible with AutoCAD.
Hewlett Packard delivers version 8 of HP-ME10, their 2D package for DOS, UNIX, and Windows platforms.
Qick Draw System (AU) ships Qick Draw version 6.
Autodesk ships AutoVision an rendering add-on program for AutoCAD 13.
Matra Datavision ships Moldmaker, a 3D modeling package for UNIX platforms.
Pro/E version 17 with a new module which allows files to be exported into VRML file format for display on the Internet.
In December Bentley ships version 4 of MicroStation Modeler.
To the end of this year over 250,000 copies of AutoCAD LT sold.


AutoCAD LT 97
Autodesk provides World Creation Toolkit which is a collection of 500 MB of prebuilt objects, meshes, fonts and animation.
Autodesk ships 3D Studio MAX release 2 and a cut-down version called 3D Studio Viz.
Autodesk Walk Through 1.1, an animation program for AutoCAD modules.
Autodesk ships AEC Professional Suite 2, an integrated package of AutoCAD 14, AEC AutoCAD utilities, Autodesk Walk Through, Design Blocks, Autodesk View and 2000 architectural symbols.
Autodesk ships AutoCAD 13 Internet Publishing Kit, a program used for view, access and sharing drawings on the Internet. It compress the drawings in DWF (Drawing Web Format) a new compressed file format designed specifically for the Internet.
Bentley ships MicroStation Modeler version 5.5 (based on ACIS 2.1 modeling Kernel)
Bentley starts engineering back office and ModelServer product line. Daratech lists Bentley as fastest-growing in CAD/CAM/CAE
CAS.CADE is a new modeling Kernel developed in 1997 by Matra Datavision.
The Canvas 5 USA Tour kicks off. This coast-to-coast seminar series offers Canvas enthusiasts a chance to get up close and personal with their favorite graphics application and Deneba's in-house artists.
Deneba introduces Colada, a Java-based web sharing technology for Canvas 5.
Canvas is used to design many of the computer screen shots in Steven Spielberg's Hollywood blockbuster The Lost World.
NASA uses Canvas to illustrate the Mars Pathfinder.
DenebaCAD for Macintosh is introduced. Focusing on the needs of professional architects and engineers, the program integrates 2D drafting, 3D modeling, and photo-realistic rendering in one application.
Dassault Systems S.A. acquires Deneb, the recognized provider of leading digital manufacturing solutions.
Deneb and its subsidiaries, become a wholly owned subsidiary of Dassault Systems and operates as a separate entity under the brand name 'Deneb', the digital manufacturing company of Dassault Systems.
Dassault Systems S.A. and SolidWorks Corporation announce in June the signing of a definitive agreement whereby the privately-held SolidWorks, a leading provider of mechanical design software products for Windows, is acquired by Dassault Systems in a stock transaction.
In July, Delcam plc was floated on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). In preparation for this, Delcam UK was established to spearhead UK sales and customer support. Coinciding with the floatation, Delcam opened a northern sales office in Bolton, Lancashire. Overseas activities continued to develop, with strong emphasis on joint ventures, especially in the Americas, Europe and the Far East. Delcam now has more that seventy sales offices worldwide and has a wholly owned subsidiary in the USA, exploiting the country's massive complex manufacturing market.
Smooze 1 2 4 – rediscover your mouse pad. In 1997, MCS took the next step forward by releasing the first CADD-through-CAM system for the 21st Century, ANVIL EXPRESS.
EDS introduces a number of new industry-leading capabilities with its new version of Unigraphics, including WAVE - which will enable the definition, control and evaluation of product templates - considered the most important new technology affecting the CAD/CAM/CAE industry in the next five years.
AIA CAD Layer Guidelines, Second Edition - Second edition published to improve on original version
CSI Uniform Drafting System (UDS) Modules 1-3, - Separate effort focused on drawing. Ultimately 8 modules
ISO 13567 - Standard for Structuring Layers in CABD - International effort to structure layer naming for translation between various languages and vendors
First version of IDEAS Artisan Series from SDRC, fully compatible with Master Series, priced at ~ USD 5,000.
Revit Technology Corporation is revolutionizing building design with Revit - the world's first parametric building modeler developed for the AEC industry.
Form Z, a solid and surface modeler, first available only for Mac platforms, debuts on Windows market.
Helix Design System from Cadcam System Company, version 4, based on DesignBase modeling Kernel with CAM facilities.
Imagineer Technical version 2, fully compatible with Microsoft Office and AutoCAD.
AutoCAD Release 14 for Windows is proved to be the best and more stabile version ever. It comes with a lot of improvements in both 2D and 3D. Includes ObjectARX 2.0, ActiveX Automation Interface which allows Visual Basic for Application to drive AutoCAD or to write a single application that integrates AutoCAD with other ActiveX Automation compliant application, AutoVision is included.
In October EDS and Intergraph announces plans to pool the assets of their CAD software (Unigraphics and Solid Edge) in a joint venture.
Matra Datavision ships Euclid Quantum version 1, based on CAS.CADE geometry modeling Kernel. Over 47,000 copies will be sold in one year.
Matra Datavision ships STRIM, a CAD/CAM package.
MiniCAD version 7 for Mac and Windows.
Parametric Technology ships PT/Modeler, a CAD/CAM package based on a proprietary modeling engine.
Pro/E version 18 with over 50 integrated modules. The price starts at 26,000 USD for 13 modules.
SoftSource ships V/Draft, a 2D CAD program for Windows with AutoCAD interface, support for Visual Basic, C++ and ActiveX programming.
Solid Works 97 with 65 new capabilities like support for Visual Basic for Applications, Visual C++ and HTML.
SurfCAM version 7 with support for AutoCAD and Mechanical Desktop files.
TurboCAD Professional version 4 from IMSI.
Unigraphics version 12 from EDS with over 30 integrated modules. Price started at USD 17,000.
In November Autodesk ships Mechanical Desktop version 2 integrated with AutoCAD 14. Uses the new ACIS 3.0 modeling Kernel, support AutoLisp and C languages and includes ANSYS Design Space 3.0 Stress Wizard.
VGX technology from SDRC provides intuitive interaction for the design and modification of parametric feature - based solids. It will be used first in I-DEAS Master Series 5.
Visionary Design Systems took over 3D Eye Systems.
XCAD version 4 and XCAD LT from Xitron Software Corporation.
CINEMA 4D XL version 5.0 launch in December.
40,000 copies of ArchiCAD sold worldwide to date.
Spatial Technology announced that it has over 350 licensees and an estimated 600,000 end-users of its ACIS modeling Kernel.
CAD/CAM market worldwide:

1Parametric Technology
2Dassault Systems

In 1997, AutoCAD pass 1.5 million copies sold worldwide and AutoCAD LT pass half million copies sold.
Intergraph announced that 6250 copies of its Solid Edge program has been sold worldwide.

Solid Works Corp. announced that has sold 3000 of its 3D solid model worldwide, including companies such AT & T, Boeing, General Motors, Sharp, Siemens and Mitsubishi.

IMSI announced that has been sold over 600,000 copies of TurboCAD to date.

Parametric Technology announces 105,000 seats installed of Pro/E


Free 3d Solid Modeling Software

Spatial Technology acquires InterData Access, Inc.
Dassault Systems creates ENOVIA Corp., a wholly-owned company in charge of developing ENOVIA’s PDM II solutions. IBM creates two new worldwide organizations to sell and support ENOVIA products.
In February, Dassault Systems and IBM announce a new Strategic Alliance to address the Product Development Management II (PDM II) market.

Dassault Systems acquires Matra Datavision key software products in the fields of surface and free-form modeling, numerical control machining (NC) as well as complementary products dedicated to plastic injection simulation. The products concerned (EUCLID Styler, EUCLID Machinist, Strim and Strimflow) correspond approximately to the portfolio acquired by Matra Datavision at the time of the Cisigraph acquisition in 1994. The team in charge of those products (90 people) will join the Dassault Systems Group.

- Matra Datavision will become a service company providing support for the CATIA, CATweb, ENOVIA and Deneb products lines of Dassault Systems and the migration of EUCLID 3 to CATIA.

- Matra Datavision will be appointed an IBM International Business Partner to market, sell and support CATIA, CATweb, and ENOVIA as well as IBM's e-business Solutions.
Autodesk acquire Genius Software GmbH.
Unigraphics Solutions becomes a subsidiary of EDS, takes the name Unigraphics Solutions EDS
Unigraphics Solutions finalizes acquisition of Intergraph's Mechanical CAD/CAM Business - Solid Edge and EMS software
Maxon, the producer of CINEMA 4D animation and rendering program announced it will no longer support the Amiga platform.
CADD Council changes name to Facility Information Council - To represent a larger base of involvement, NCS Committee operates under this group
Unigraphics Solutions Becomes First CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM Organization to be Awarded ISO 9001/TickIT Certification
AutoCAD Mechanical is an integrated mechanical tool in AutoCAD 14.
Autodesk Architectural Desktop - integrated architectural solution based on AutoCAD 14.
First version of IronCAD for VDS market.
IntelliCAD 98 from Visio with support for Visual Basic for Application, AutoLisp and AutoCAD release 14 files.
Canvas 6 is released and takes the industry by surprise with the introduction of Deneba's Sprite technology. This amazing technology allows vector drawings, images, and text to be blended together with infinite control over transparency. In effect making it possible for regular folks to do sophisticated photo-compositing and graphics pros to do things they could only dream of - compositing vector illustrations with images. Canvas 6 garners a long list of awards and reviews around the world. DenebaCAD 1.5 is released.
Qick Draw System (AU) ships Qick Draw version 7.
Visual Lisp, an Object ARX application that runs inside AutoCAD 14. Consists of several modules that the developers use to create new applications.
Autodesk ships 3D Studio MAX version 2.5
Lightwave 3D version 5.6 from New Tek, comes with Procedural shades for snow, water and rust, Stereoscopic rendering, SkiTracer image warping for real time visualization of generated sky, and more.
Solid Edge version 3 from Intergraph with more than 150 new features.
Solid Works 98 adds 150 new capabilities.
TurboCAD Professional version 5 from IMSI.
During 1998, DUCT has gradually been replaced with a new incorporated range of products, which covers the full manufacturing cycle from design to manufacture. Delcam's new 'Power' range of products, which combine the full functionality of the DUCT suite with the latest user interface technology offers users many new benefits.
Visio Corporation ships Visio Enterprise, a technical drawings and documentation program, and Visio Technical version 5. The company announced over 250,000 users to date.
Over 60,000 AMD copies installed worldwide. Customers: Hughes Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Philips, Hyundai.
Upside Magazine names Bentley to the 1998 Hot 100 companies.

Listed as largest privately held software company on Softletter 100.

Installed base of MicroStation reaches 300,000 and that of Bentley SELECT reaches 200,000


Spatial Technology acquires Sven Technologies
Unigraphics Solutions Acquires German high-tech Company, dCADE.
Dassault Systems establishes Dassault Systems AG in Germany in March, as its reference site for development and consulting of new generation styling solutions.
March - Dassault Systems introduces CATIA Version 5 for native Windows NT and UNIX. CATIA V5 is based on:
- Next generation technologies (Native Windows implementation, powerful interface, Plug & Play extensibility, consistency with standards such as OLE)
- Windows Web metaphor to ensure a natural, productive and fun to use environment,
- Scalability to address all user profiles
- Capture and reuse of the company know-how
- Smooth transition to protect V4 investment.
In April 1999, Dassault Systems signs definitive agreement to acquire a majority interest in Smart Solutions Ltd. Smart Solutions has become the leading provider for the 'TeamPDM' market, developing Web based Windows™ centric Product Data Management (PDM) and Workflow solutions for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs). These solutions complement ENOVIA Solutions, which address the needs of large enterprises and their supplier chain, the PDM II market space. Together, Smart Solutions Ltd. and ENOVIA Corp. will offer dedicated solutions for both market segments, thus meeting the needs of customers at all levels of product and process complexity.

- At the same time Dassault Systems creates Dassault Systems Provence for the development of advanced applications in the field of surface reconstruction, tooling design and 3-axis machining, as well as powerful surface algorithm components for CATIA Version 5
Dassault Systems acquired SAFEWORK. With this agreement, SAFEWORK becomes the Dassault Systems company in charge of providing an advanced human modeling infrastructure within the V5 architecture.
It will also become the leading Dassault Systems human modeling Competency Center for Dassault Systems' brands, CATIA, DENEB and ENOVIA. SAFEWORK can also provide turn-key solutions by complementing their software solution with consulting services for ergonomic processes in various industries.
Unigraphics Solutions signs five-year, $43 million contract with Boeing for CAD/CAM Software
Varimetrix ships VXVision version 1.74, a high-end CAD/CAM program based on VPG 2 modeling Kernel.
National CAD Standard (NCS) 1.0 released - First compendium and coordination of efforts
Lightwave 3D version 6 from New Tek.
Unigraphics ships Solid Edge version 6 with over 200 changes.
Think3 entry in the CAD market with thinkdesign, the first mechanical design software product to offer the power of parametric solids, advanced surfacing, wireframe and 2-D drafting on the desktop, all in one environment.
VectorWorks is released as a replace of MiniCAD.
Diehl Graphsoft, Inc. ships RenderWorks, a photorealistic rendering plug-in for VectorWorks.
The next generation of Sprite technology is unveiled in Canvas 7's SpriteEffects. For the first time, designers can apply any imaging filters - blurs, distortions, textures, plus third-party plug-ins - to any object, whether it's vector, bitmap, text, or even a group. Combined with SpriteLayer effects, SpriteEffects in Canvas yields unequaled power for graphic design. Like previous versions of Canvas, version 7 goes on to receive worldwide user and critical acclaim. Deneba makes it effortless to share graphics information online with the Deneba Internet Graphics Server (DIGS). By using a web browser, DIGS enables instant deployment of graphic files on the Internet. DenebaCAD 2 is released for Macintosh and Windows platforms.
In June Pro/E 2000i
Parametric Technology acquired Computervision and their product CADDS 5.
Autodesk announces 1 million users of LT and 100,000 users of 3D Studio MAX.
3D Studio MAX cumulus 29% of the entire 3D-animation market and 38% of the 3D PC markets.


Spatial ships ACIS v.6.0
CoCreate Software Inc., a subsidary of Hewlett Packard Company, announces release of Solid Designer 2000 with five new modules.

Nemetschek North America introduced in January the VectorWorks Industry Series with the launch of its first product, VectorWorks ARCHITECT. SPOTLIGHT and ARCHITECT will be joined shortly by VectorWorks LANDMARK, a landscape and site design package.

Eagle Point, the leading supplier of AEC applications software, announced the release of Eagle Point 2000
26 Ian - Parametric Technology Corp. announced that InPart Mechanical, the world's largest 3D CAD library, now exceeds 1 million parts.

On end of February, Autodesk will be selling AutoCAD 2000 over the Internet. On-line price is $3,195 for AutoCAD 2000--that's 10%- 15% above the estimated street price. Upgrades from Release 14 are $545, and upgrades from Release 13 are $745. Price includes 60 days of direct support from Autodesk. Sales available US and Canada only.

16 Feb - CoCreate Software Inc., a subsidary of Hewleet Packard announced ME10 2000 the latest version of its popular 2D CAD software, ME10

Design Futures announced the release of IDRAW 2000 for Windows 95/98/NT, a design, drafting and illustration for all 2D design and illustration requirements.

18 Feb. - Diehl Graphsoft announced that Nemetschek AG of Germany had acquired it

Parametric 3d Modeling Software

REALVIZ S.A., a leader in image processing technology, announced the availability of its ImageModeler® photo-modeling software application for easy and realistic 3D model creation. Designed specifically for computer graphics professionals and animators, ImageModeler is the first high-end ``Image-Based Modeler' that produces 3-D models from photo, video or cinematic still images. Eliminate the complications of building complex models from scratch, and let ImageModeler do the hard work. By selecting points on as few as four still photographs of an object, the revolutionary software application builds models that are amazingly photo-real.

7 March - IntelliCAD 2000

March 15, 2000--SensAble Technologies today made the revolution in digital modeling with the release of FreeForm(TM) Version 2. The FreeForm system allows users to model on the computer using their sense of touch, blending the intuitiveness and expressiveness of physical modeling with the power and productivity of digital modeling.

LightWork Design announced on 14 March that there are more than 500,000 active users of its flagship LightWorks renderer.

SDRC, a global supplier of e-business collaboration solutions for the product lifecycle, announced on March I-DEAS 8, a major software release to enable e-design automation

Alibre, Inc. announced the availability of its feature-based mechanical CAD software, Alibre Design which allows users to employ the internet as a collaborative platform for product design and development.

Dassault Systemes and announced the readiness of CATIA Solutions Version 5 Release 3(b) (V5R3) for Microsoft Windows 2000 operating platform.

Graphisoft paid around $2 million to acquire Drawbase Software, a facilities management software and services provider.
CoCreate Software Inc., a subsidiary of Hewlett Packard Co., announced on 12 April the release of OneSpace 5.0, a design-chain-integration solution that provides global teams a virtual conference room to interact in real time on mechanical designs.

Autodesk also launched Point A, a new portal serving designers and engineers, which can be found at The goal of the site is to provide designers, engineers, and architects with a centralized online community and resource.

PTC announced on 24 April two major updates to its PTC i-Series of flexible engineering solutions: Pro/MECHANICA 2000i² and Pro/DESKTOP 2000i².

SDRC announced SDRC Imageware Version 10 (V10), a major software release enabling customers to design, build, and fully inspect high-quality, free-form shaped products in less time. Imageware is advanced 3D surface modeling and verification technology solution that allows users to realize and maintain the design intent from concept through manufacturing.

Parametric Solid Modeling Software

Unigraphics Solutions Inc. announces in may that its industry-leading kernel solid modeling product, Parasolid, exceeded 500,000 active end-users

Graphisoft offers a set of Web-based tool to help encourage the AEC CAD community to adopt its GDL (Geometric Description Language) as a file format. The GDL Object Web plug-in, for ArchiCAD users, delivers GDL objects via the Internet.

TurboCAD Professonal 6.5

Matra Datavision reports in June that more than 5,000 downloads of the latest version of its Open CASCADE open source library of 3D modeling components.

MicroStation/J v7.1

6 June Bentley Systems, Incorporated, announced a new visualization technology that provides photorealistic lighting solutions for large models created by architects, interior designers and plant designers. 'Particle tracing' is a new, easy-to-use technology which requires relatively little memory and provides stunningly realistic lighting effects.

Spatial Inc. announced Release 6.2 of the ACIS 3D Toolkit and Husks, featuring performance enhancements and added functionality.
Will be the latest release of ACIS under Spatial name because the product will be aquired by Dassault Systems in a surprising deal which took the CAD world by surprise.

Mechanical Desktop Release 5 incorporates AutoCAD® 2000i software, with its more than 400 new or enhanced features and 24-percent gain in productivity over the previous release. The Power Pack adds 1.2 million predawn standard 2D and 3D parts, holes, features, and structural steel profiles, complete AutoCAD Mechanical 2000 functionality, and intelligent part placement and engineering calculations.

The Deneba Internet Graphics Server 2 (DIGS) is released and updated to take advantage of key new features and technologies available in Canvas 7.

On 14 July 2000 the new version of CATIA version 5 release 4, become available for Windows and Unix.
The new version of Parasolid (Version 12.0) incorporates improved Direct Modeling technology, which provides the function to enable CAD users to perform feature level edits to a model that has not been defined using a history based feature approach.

To date, July 2000, TurboCAD has shipped more than one million units.
Inventor Release 3. Most of the enhancements center around assemblies, as evidenced by the addition of motion constraints as well as predefined section cuts.

PTC has just announced a new version of CADDS 5i, called Release 11. According to the company, this new release offers increased integration with PTC solutions, such as Pro/ENGINEER, by using what the company calls the Associative Topology Bus (ATB).

DataCAD 9, 2D and 3D architectural package, the new version offers support for AutoCAD 2000 DXF and DWG files, can export in WMF and Adobe Acrobat PDF formats.
Unigraphics Solutions Inc. announced on 20th September Solid Edge Version 9, the latest release of the company's award-winning mechanical design software.

Caligari has released a new version of True Space, its 3D modeling and animation program.
ME10 2000+, the latest version of its CoCreate's 2-D CAD software, introduces new capabilities, such as a 2-D to 3-D accelerator kit, design management with Microsoft Windows-compatible user interface, a Windows user interface customization toolkit, and the ME10 macro suite, a free library of ME10 extensions.

Chief Architect 7.0 ($895) is a Windows-based architectural design program designed for builders, designers, and developers to create full working drawings and accurate 3D models.

Unigraphics Solutions Inc. (NYSE: UGS) announced in October Unigraphics Version 17, the latest release of its industry leading, high-end CAD/CAM/CAE software. With this release, UGS becomes the industry's first major vendor to ship a world-class MCAD software product containing a deeply imbedded knowledge based engineering (KBE) language. KDA consists of capturing and recycling knowledge that exists in many forms at every stage of the product life cycle, then re-using that knowledge to dramatically enhance the design, engineering and manufacturing process.

Dassault Systemes announced that it plans to integrate Microsoft's Visual BASIC for Applications into its products, including SolidWorks, CATIA, SmarTeam, ENOVIA, and DELMIA.

IBM and Dassault Systemes launched Version 5 Release 5 of CATIA, to be available for Windows and UNIX on November 17, 2000.

Autodesk released Inventor Release 4, on first week of December. Inventor costs $4,995, and upgrade pricing will be available. Keyboard maestro 8 0 3 – hot key tasking solution. Release 4 contains more than 150 new features and enhancements, with particular attention paid to support for enterprise-wide collaboration.

CADKEY 19, a new version of its flagship product line available for Windows 95/98/00 and NT 4.x. CADKEY 19 assembles new customer-driven features for hybrid modeling and blending, 2D drawing and detailing, data translation, display and graphics. The software also includes six new CDE (CADKEY Dynamic Extensions)

AutoCAD Architectural Desktop passed the 100,000 mark worldwide.

Unigraphics Solutions Inc. announced on 21 December the release and immediate availability of Parasolid Version 12.1, its industry-leading kernel solid modeling product.

UGS was the vendor with the most rapidly growing computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software revenue in 2000.
31,290 CATIA seats were licensed in 2000

SolidWorks licensed 22,053 seats for the full year.

Delcam has been the world's leading specialist supplier of NC machining software and services during 2000. Second position is Hitachi Zosen followed by Cimatron.

For suggestions please mail the editors

Footnotes & References


3d Cad Solid Modeling Program

Macbook Virus Scan Free

Macs don’t get viruses, right? Wrong, sadly. Your Mac may be safer from malware than the average Windows PC, thanks to its Unix core and Apple’s default security settings in the OS, but it’s not immune. All it takes is one thoughtless click on a link in an email or on a website, and your Mac could be infected.

The good news is that performing a Mac virus scan is very easy and if it finds anything, getting rid of the virus is very straightforward, too.

Bitdefender Virus Scanner finds Mac malware as well as Windows viruses with ease. Scan running apps, scan critical locations, scan a specific location or scan the entire system, the award-winning Bitdefender engines will find that malware. Download Malwarebytes for your computer or mobile device. Whether you need cybersecurity for your home or your business, there's a version of Malwarebytes for you. Try our free virus scan and malware removal tool, then learn how Malwarebytes Premium can protect you from ransomwar. Grant Bitdefender Virus Scanner access to the locations on your computer that you want to scan against malware. Choose ‘Deep System Scan’ or ‘Scan Critical Locations’ to scan. The award-winning Bitdefender engines will find that piece of malware. Make sure your Mac is free of infected files.

How to check your Mac for a virus

There are a number of tell-tale signs that your Mac has a virus. If it’s not displaying any of those, there’s probably nothing to worry about. So, before you scan your Mac for a virus, here are a few things to check.

1. Is your Mac behaving erratically?

This could include applications crashing, web browsers loading pages you didn’t ask for, and unusually high traffic on your network.

2. Has it started running very slowly all of a sudden?

Some viruses run processes that hog CPU cycles and leave little capacity for the tasks you want to carry out.

3. Are you seeing adverts or pop-ups for things you would never normally see?

Adware viruses are designed specifically to show adverts in the hope that you’ll click on them.
4. Have you noticed software appear on your Mac that you didn’t deliberately install?

Some viruses appear in the form of browser extensions, others run in the background, but some may appear as applications in your Applications folder. Before we'll explain how to scan Mac for malware, check these 5 tell-tale signs.

If any of the above are true, it’s possible that your Mac has a virus, but don’t panic, it may be relatively easy to remove.

How to run a malware scanner on Mac

So how to check for malware on Mac? There are several Mac virus scanners that allow you to scan your system. However, it’s very important that you don’t just google ‘free Mac antivirus software.’ Many sites that claim to offer free antivirus tools in fact host viruses themselves. So, you go to the site looking for a solution and end up making the problem worse. It’s important to use a reputable tool. We recommend using CleanMyMac X.

CleanMyMac X detects thousands of malware threats, including adware, spyware, worms, ransomware, cryptocurrency miners, and if it finds something suspicious, it offers immediate removal. Here’s how to scan your Mac for malware:

  1. Download CleanMyMac X (free edition here) and launch the app.
  2. Click on the Malware Removal tab.
  3. Click Scan.
  4. Click Remove.

Malware Monitor is another thing I love about CleanMyMac X. And this Mac malware scanner works in real-time. Whenever an adware attempts to enter some protected areas on your Mac, you’ll get instantly notified.

How to get rid of suspicious apps

If you find an application that you didn’t intend to install, you should get rid of it. But don’t just drag it from your Applications folder to the Trash, that won’t remove every trace of it from your Mac. Applications store files in a number of different places in your Mac’s Library folders. You could hunt them down and remove them manually, but it’s quicker and easier to use a dedicated uninstaller like CleanMyMac X. That way, you can be sure you will remove every trace of the application and no stray files will be left behind.

  1. Download CleanMyMac for free here.
  2. Launch it from your Applications folder.
  3. In the Utilities section, click on Uninstaller.
  4. Look through the list of applications until you see the one you want to get rid of.
  5. Check the box next to it.
  6. Press the Uninstall button.

How to prevent your Mac from getting a virus

Scanning Mac for malware is one thing. But prevention is always better than cure. So, if you want to make sure that every virus scan returns a clean bill of health, here’s what to do.

  1. Never click a link in an email unless you’re 100% sure where the email has come from and where the link will take you. Reputable companies and banks won’t ask you to click a link to log into an account, for example.
  2. Never download anything unless you’re certain what it is. That includes movie files, software updates, games, and anything else you’re not absolutely certain about.
  3. Keep your Mac updated with the latest version of macOS. That doesn’t mean you have to be running the very latest OS, but if you’re running, say, Sierra, make sure you install the latest updates when they become available.

Scanning your Mac for threats is very easy. To check Mac for malware, you can download the free version of CleanMyMac X which is an Apple notarized app. With its help, you get rid of any applications you didn’t intend to download and scan your whole system for malware very quick and easy. Give it a go.

These might also interest you:

System cleanup in one click
Make your Mac fast and secure with CleanMyMac X.

how to get rid of malware on macComputer viruses hold a sweet spot between boring, everyday occurrences, dating back to the 70s, and dramatic, science fiction fueled monsters that will haunt us in our new information-driven world.

One may ask, “Do you need antivirus to protect your Mac?” The reality is, all computers, even Macs, are vulnerable to malware (short for malicious software). While Apple takes a lot of security precautions, how secure your Mac is depends on your knowledge of how to check for viruses and how to remove them.

Whether you want to know how to remove virus from MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, or iMac, learning to keep your information safe first is necessary and easy, with a few tips from the professionals.

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Your computer deserves to be healthy. Download Setapp, an apps toolkit that covers reliable protection methods against any kind of malware.

How to scan your Mac for a virus

Why checking your Mac for viruses is important? If a computer virus was the only thing to watch out for, this world would be a simpler place. Malware, adware, spyware, malicious files, worms, trojans, phishing software, you name it, you should check for it. The old way of thinking was that because there are more PCs than Macs in the world, the “virus people” would focus on them instead of Macs. But, we’re not in the 2000s anymore. In fact, in 2018, Apple moved to the fourth position in global laptop shipments. This means, Macs are no longer shiny white boxes that are meant for fun and entertainment.

Not only do we run our businesses off Apple devices and different versions of macOS but we also store family photographs, send out sensitive info — and, thanks to cloud computing, each device is synchronized. Unfortunately, this means your Mac could be a far juicier target than the PC sitting in some corner cubicle.

Know what a Mac virus is

Most of us are familiar with recognizing what a virus looks like thanks to its atrocious design and alarming vocabulary. However, not all viruses take the shock-and-scare approach to getting on your Mac. The latest adware could look like an Adobe Flash Player installer, but is, of course, fake. Not only does it trick you into thinking it's something as normal as Flash, but the installed adware then pretends to be a virus scanner. It shows you bogus problems and encourages you to fix them by giving over sensitive information.

Other forms of viruses could look like Microsoft Office files (e.g. Excel sheets, Word documents), Adobe Photoshop add-ons, as well as music and movie files that you get from BitTorrent or other file sharing programs. But the most common file format that a virus takes is a .dmg file, because it was created by Apple itself to help install good software on your computer. Logic pro x software price in india pakistan. Your task in securing your Mac is to look out for .dmg files showing up when you’re trying to install something. If you’re ever trying to download something you know is supposed to be an image, music, movie, or document, but you get a .dmg file instead — that is as red as a red flag gets in terms of viruses. Do yourself a favor and delete that file immediately.

Keep Mac virus sources in mind

When it comes to having your Mac infected by a virus, we probably expect the attack to come from a stranger. Truth be told, a lot of viruses come from our friends, family, and colleagues, who unfortunately became the primary victim and are now unintentionally passing their viruses to you.

A popular malware virus of 2017 was embedded into a Word document — a Mac Word file, not a PC one. In 2018, Apple discovered flaws in their Intel processor chips that could lead to two kinds of very ambitious strains of Mac viruses too. It’s wild to think that even iPads and iPhones can contract malware.

How to check for malware

In an ideal world, scanning for viruses and the other methods for malware removal should be automatic and happen nearly continuously. In reality, you can consider yourself reasonably safe if you scan your Mac close to once a week. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to make sure you are as protected as possible.

A good start to scan your Mac for viruses is to see whether you have applications installed that you don’t recognize:

  1. Go to the Applications folder via Go > Applications in Finder or using the shortcut Shift + Command + A.
  2. Scroll through the list and delete any unknown applications.
  3. Then empty the trash.

The second step you should do is check for browser hijackers and adware extensions:

  1. Go to Safari > Preferences. See what the Homepage URL is currently set to and correct if needed.
  2. Then proceed to the Extensions tab and uninstall any you don’t recognize, as they could spy on you, save your private data, and redirect you to their malicious websites.

Macbook Virus Scan Free

How to run a Mac virus scanner and stop viruses from stealing your information

It’s a common misconception that viruses only happen to people who are gullible, ignorant, or technologically illiterate. The stigma is that hackers prey on people, when in reality, they prey on behavior.

Our basic assumption with Macs is that we expect Apple and our applications to have done all the security work for us. In truth, every user has to adjust their own behavior when using their Mac.

Do you use public WiFi? Consider getting a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt the connection between your laptop and the external network. Shimo is a great VPN manager app that will help you here. While using it, raw information (whether sensitive or not) can’t be fed to any malicious programs lurking on your Mac, and hackers on the same network won’t be able to decode anything you’re working on.

Free Virus Scan For Macbook Pro

Speaking of encryption, Macs using OS X Lion or later come with the option to encrypt their hard drives using FileVault 2. Although encryption won’t prevent viruses from entering your computer (for that, you’ll need a scanner), it would still be very helpful in stopping viruses from stealing your information. To turn on FileVault:

  1. Go to System Preferences
  2. Select Security & Privacy
  3. Navigate to the FileVault tab
  4. Choose Turn On FileVault

Keep your Mac secure and virus-free

Trademark signs of something being wrong with your Mac: slow processing memory, a bloated disk space, intense CPU usage, and network speed lag. Unfortunately, viruses don’t live in an easy-to-find location like your computer’s desktop. They can be embedded within an application, most notably, your favorite web browser, where it’s easier for them to view what you’re viewing and track what you’re typing. If you kept on seeing weird websites taking over your search bar, it's a sign that your browser has been hijacked. Other applications can get corrupted or infected too, especially if they have particularly weak security systems. Another example could be an email app you use or an open-source application that is behind on their patch upgrades. Check out how to get rid of malware on mac.

If you think one of your applications is infected, a typical knee-jerk reaction would be to delete the whole thing and redownload it. Often, this will do the trick, but there are simpler solutions available. Clearing the application's cache should always be your first step, and, if there are optional hidden files, consider removing them as well.

Scan your Mac for viruses with CMM X

Run an instant malware scan to identify and remove suspicious files from your Mac. There’s no tool that can do it better than CleanMyMac X.

To remove any application’s cache and get rid of Mac malware from the Library folder:

  1. Use the shortcut Shift + Command + G to Go to Folder
  2. Type ~/Library/Caches and choose Go
  3. Delete any particular files inside the folder

If you are unsure about deleting cache files manually, use an app like CleanMyMac X:

  1. Launch CleanMyMac
  2. Go to System Junk and click Scan
  3. When the scan is complete, choose Review Details
  4. Select User Cache Files and pick the caches you’d like to delete
  5. Click Clean

In addition, CleanMyMac now features a Malware Removal function, using which should become your weekly habit.

  1. In CleanMyMac, choose the Malware Removal tab
  2. Click Scan
  3. Follow the instructions given. Hopefully it should say your Mac is clean most of the time.

Unfortunately, not all viruses are easy-to-understand files that just sit on your computer. Sometimes they are root certificates that intercept your passwords and messages, and send a copy to hackers. To effectively secure yourself from this, only download apps with valid developer certificates. Which ones are those? It’s hard to know but Apple built a feature that could help you here.

  1. Go to System Preferences
  2. Select Security & Privacy
  3. In the Allow apps downloaded from: select App Store and identified developers
Macbook Virus Scan Free

You are well on your way to being protected from malware now. But, the truth is, simply avoiding viruses is not enough. You need to be proactive — it’s time to get a virus scanner.

Check viruses like a pro

If you want complete Mac security, there is no better tool than CleanMyMac X, which can effortlessly scan for all the latest viruses, malware, spyware, and more. Just launch the app on the regular basis and click the Smart Scan option to inspect your Mac for any suspicious activity, besides other suggested features for optimization and cleaning out old files.

Remove viruses from Mac completely

Using a tool like CleanMyMac makes getting rid of viruses, of all shapes and formats, very easy. After the scan, it tells you what it’s found and gives you the option to remove it completely right then and there. Additionally, it will give you all kinds of other great options on how to optimize your Mac’s performance.

Mac Online Virus Scan

As mentioned above, hackers who want to steal your information don’t target you specifically, they target your behavior. So, with this in mind, change your behavior when it comes to using your Mac in potentially unsafe ways. Recognize that viruses come and go, all the time, and across many different file formats. If you get a virus, you’re not ruined.

Arm your computer with encryption tools (like FileVault and a VPN), so that your information can’t be stolen. Practice a healthy dose of skepticism when downloading files. But, most importantly, get professional apps that bring you the most results, like CleanMyMac or Shimo — all of which are available on Setapp for your to try free. So get a scan now and see what it says.

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Meantime, prepare for all the awesome things you can do with Setapp.

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Online Product Design Software Free

Below, we break down the three most common label design programs and touch on the pros and cons of each. For a more detailed analysis, continue to our article: 5 Best Label Design & Printing Software Platforms. Maestro Label Designer. Maestro Label Designer is online label design software created exclusively for customers. The Simplest Online Image Editor ᐉ Crello Create your own designs Post Cover Animations ☝ Use the best online design software ⏩ It's easy and free! Each product starts as a concept, which can take the form of sketches, specifications or constraints that dictate design requirements. A product designer, or usually a team of product designers and engineers, then takes the concept and, using mechanical engineering software, turns the concept into a comprehensive product design. Why Popularity Chart Of Online Product Designer Software Scaling! The importance of online product designer tool is rising due to its advanced and high value functionalities that are being offered by “No-refresh” to their potential customers for customized as well as personalized design. Our custom online product design tool built using.

inkXE is much loved as a promotional product designer software around the world. From office stationeries to promotional company items, our tool is capable to meet your every need. Promotional product distributors and print shops can employ our tool to print logo, messages, company names and more on their products. It is compatible with all leading ecommerce platforms including Magento, Shopify, OpenCart, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, etc., which supports all printing methods. It comes with a simple installation wizard and 1 year free updates.

Design Studio Features inkXE Promotional Products Design Software:

Design Templates

inkXE design software for promotional products come pre-loaded with numerous design templates for all sorts of products. However, users can edit these templates as per their need or they can use it directly on their promotional products for prints.

Image Effects

Online Product Design Software Free

User can apply image mask effect and image filter effect to their promotional products. The product designer tool allows the user to remove backgrounds from their image. It can vectorize the uploaded image as well.

Image Upload

inkXE provides image upload features to users who want their own design, logo, photos and artwork on their promotional products. User can upload images from their local system as well as from social media channels such as Facebook and instagram.

Dynamic Product Size

Change design elements as per the product size dynamically with inkXE design software for promotional products. Users can change the height and width of products they want to have prints on.

Crop Mark & Safe Zone

Lock certain design elements in safe zone so that changes on other design elements don’t affect the one in safe zone. The promotional product designer software for print shops also provides bleed mart and crop mark.

Flexible Decoration Area

inkXE enables users with flexible decoration area feature so that they can add or remove multiple design spots and customize product prints as per their own needs. It provides rectangular areas for custom decoration of any shape.

Browse Background Pattern

If you want a background pattern on your product, inkXE is the right promotional product design management software for you. Users can use pre-loaded background patterns or browse from the web or devices to print patterns on their products.


Image Auto-Convert

inkXE promotional product designer software enables users to convert color images to black & white of grayscale to give it a nostalgic effect.

Name & Number Printing

With our tool, users can design their name and number for print on jerseys. Users can place bulk orders for team jerseys.

Save Design

Save your promotional product design for review or finalize your design with the feature at a later stage. Users may also return back to print the products with saved designs.

Real Time Price Update

The promotional products design software automatically updates the price in real time as the user keeps adding or deleting design elements on their promotional products. It keeps pricing transparent and leaves no last-minute confusion on pricing.

Order Multiple Color and Size of a Product

After finalizing their design, users can order multiple color and size of the product at a time from the same page. This makes bulk purchase fast and simple for users.

Switch Between Print Methods

While designing, users can switch between print methods as per their convenience. Users can also choose multiple printing methods for the same design if needed.

Rich Text Effects

inkXE promotional product designer software enables users with rich text effects, which turns any boring text interesting by adding effects. Some users may want just text on their products instead of images, so the promotional product designer tool lets users do that by adding appealing pre-loaded text effects.

3D Preview

Get a 360 degree view of how your end product will look like with the 3D preview feature in inkXE – the design software for promotional products. This enables users finalize their designs without leaving any last-minute confusions.
The product designer tool presents a 3-dimensional preview of the promotional product before the user places their order.

Admin Features of the inkXE Promotional Products Design Software :

Dynamic Print & Price Setting

Set price per print from admin panel and facilitate it to change dynamically when users add or delete promo products.

Set Price Rules

Set price rules for color variant, size variant, background pattern, design area, etc. The tool also allows you to set price rules for use of exclusive cliparts, fonts and design templates.

Order Management Software

inkXE design software for promotional products comes integrated with order management software which enables businesses to process order seamlessly from any devices on Windows or Mac OS.

Online Product Design Software Free Microsoft

Flexible Decoration Area

Set multiple decoration areas on a single product. You can associate printing methods with decoration areas. The tool also allows you to set custom decoration area of any shape.

Multiple Language, Multiple Currency

inkXE caters to international businesses by employing multiple language and multiple currency feature. It facilitates businesses to set up stores in their native language, currency and can even change the color theme.

Vector Output

Print high resolution arts and graphics on promotional products as inkXE facilitates vector output feature.

Minimum Order Quantity

Set the minimum order quantity for any product.

Configurable Attributes

With inkXE, the admin can add or remove feature from the designer tool. Admin has the complete control of how many feature the promotional product designer tool will have and can also change the color theme and other customizable feature.

Unlimited Cliparts, Fonts, Assets

We offer a comprehensive collection of over 5000 cliparts and 100 fonts to choose from. However, businesses can add more cliparts and fonts of their own to the collection.

Import Design

Businesses can import all cliparts, fonts and other design elements during the set-up of the tool. They can import them from mobile devices as well.


The inkXE promotional products design software offers multistore facility which can be set-up in various ecommerce platforms such as Magento, OpenCart and PrestaShop to name a few.

Order File

Order files in SVG, PNG and PDF formats, which are generated in server when a user places order. Businesses can access these files from store admin, designer admin and the inkXE desktop admin.

Compatibility of the inkXE Promotional Product Design Software:

Magento Promotional Product Design Extension

The designer tool is compatible with Magento 1.7.x, 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x

Shopify Promotional Product Design App

The tool is also compatible with Shopify.

OpenCart Promotional Product Design Extension

Logoist 3 1. The promotional product design software is compatible with OpenCart versions 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x

WooCommerce Promotional Product Design Plugin

The designer tool acts as an extension to WooCommerce versions 2.x , 3.x

PrestaShop Promotional Product Design Module

PrestaShop version 1.6.x and 1.7.x take the promotional products design software as plugin.

All Custom Built stores

Require API Integration

Free Installation

We provide free installation service for the designer tool.

1 year Free Updates

You’ll get free updates of the tool for 1 year.

30 days Money Back Guarantee

The designer software comes with a 30-days-money-back option. If you’re not satisfied with the tool’s performance, you can opt for it.

Self Hosted

The tool is hosted in your server. All the code, databases reside in your server. We are not privy information stored in your server.

Free Support

An experienced 50 member support team provides you 24*7 support. You get the service for free.

One Time Payment

The payment process is transparent. You pay an one time upfront price for the tool. It involves no hidden cost at all.

Free Assets

The tool comes with free cliparts(5000+) and free fonts(100+).

Award Winning Tool

inkXE is a reputed product and the winner of ‘e-commerce innovator’ award. It’s trusted by more than 500 print shops around the world.

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Hello janicebclark,

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I have now tried this approach with Zoom, I have used it with Webex and it works. I used it just today.

  • MacOS Catalina's iPad apps for the Mac are here, but the story is just getting started. Catalyst has been slow to take off on MacOS 10.15, but here's a look at the state of tablet apps migrating.
  • .Available for the iPhone®/iPad® in the Apple App Store. All of these apps run fine for me on my MacBook Pro® in a Windows 10 VM using Parallels Desktop 14—with the single exception of Age of Empires: Definitive Edition. I used every setting I know to get this app to run with acceptable performance, but in the end, I gave up.
  • The MacBook Pro will offer you a lot more power for your money than the cheaper MacBook Air - althought the gap has closed somewhat since Apple updated the MacBook.
  • IPad Pro 12.9-inch (4th generation) iPad Pro 11-inch (2nd generation). Lastly, there’s macOS Big Sur, which will run on the following Mac devices. MacBook (2015 and later) MacBook Air (2013.

While running these apps on the iPhone or iPad is fun, you must be wondering is it possible to run iOS apps on Mac or Windows PC. The option you have is to download a simulator, but you should be aware the experience won’t be perfect.

Plug your iPad into your Mac then open QuickTime Player. Select File > New Movie Recording than select the v next to the record button. From the drop list select your iPad, it should show up as an option. Now you can record away. I have included a screenshot so you can see the option.

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Here is a link for more information on using QuickTime Player:

macOS is the operating system that powers every Mac. It lets you do things you simply can’t with other computers. That’s because it’s designed specifically for the hardware it runs on — and vice versa. macOS comes with an entire suite of beautifully designed apps. It works hand in hand with iCloud to keep photos, documents, and other stuff up to date on all your devices. It makes your Mac work like magic with your iPhone and other Apple devices. And it’s been built from the ground up with privacy and security in mind.

Featuring all-new, dedicated apps for music, TV, and podcasts. Smart new features in the apps you use every day. And Sidecar, which lets you use iPad as a second Mac display.

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On a Mac, everything is designed to work just the way you expect it to — from operating it with simple, intuitive gestures to having your apps automatically update themselves. Whatever you set out to do on a Mac, there’s much less to learn and that much more to accomplish.

The Finder lets you easily browse and organize the files on your Mac — and those stored in iCloud Drive. View files by icons, in a list, or with Gallery View, which helps you quickly locate a file by how it looks. Drag and drop files into folders in the sidebar. And use the Preview pane to see all of your files’ metadata, quickly create .zip files, and share using the handy Share menu.

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A simple two-finger swipe from the right edge of your trackpad brings up Notification Center — the same one you use on iPhone — where you can see all the alerts that have come in recently. It’s also where you’ll find your Today view, which you can customize with helpful widgets or handy information pinned from Siri searches.

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Privacy and Security We believe your data belongs to you. Period.

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Security. We design Mac hardware and software with advanced technologies that work together to help you run apps safely, protect your data, and keep you safe on the web. The new Find My app helps you locate a missing Mac that’s lost or stolen — even if it’s offline or sleeping. And Gatekeeper makes it safer to download and install apps from the Mac App Store and the internet.

Built in Apps Apps as powerful and elegant as your Mac. Because they’re designed for it.

With every Mac, you get a collection of powerful apps. They’re the same apps you use on your iPhone or iPad, so they’ll feel instantly familiar. They all work with iCloud, so your schedule, contacts, and notes are always up to date everywhere. And because they’re native apps — not web apps in a browser — they take full advantage of the power of your Mac to deliver the fastest possible performance and more robust features.

Media. Experience music, TV, and podcasts in three all-new Mac apps. Track the market and customize your watchlist. Peruse the best book titles from your desktop. And find the latest apps and extensions for your Mac, right on your Mac.

  • Podcasts

  • Stocks

  • App Store

Creativity. Enjoy your best photos and videos, showcased in an immersive, dynamic new look. Transform home videos into unforgettable movies or quickly share clips with your favorite people. Create music like the pros with a huge collection of sounds, instruments, amps, and a lineup of virtual session drummers and percussionists perfectly suited to play along with your song.

Productivity. Create beautiful documents with stunning simplicity. Visualize your data precisely and persuasively in spreadsheets with images, text, and shapes. Make stage-worthy presentations using powerful graphics tools and dazzling cinematic effects to bring your ideas to life. And collaborate with friends and coworkers in real time — whether they’re across town or across the globe.

Communication. Easily manage all of your email accounts in one simple, powerful app that works with email services like iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, and Microsoft Exchange. Send unlimited messages to anyone on any Apple device, using the same Messages app on your Mac as you do on your iPhone. Make unlimited high-quality video and audio calls right from your Mac with FaceTime. And securely locate a missing Mac using the new Find My app on Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

  • Mail

  • Messages

  • FaceTime

Organization. A new gallery view and more powerful search help you find your notes more quickly than ever. Easily create, organize, and add attachments to reminders. Manage your iCloud, Google, and Exchange calendars in one place, create separate calendars for home, work, and school, and view them all or just the ones you want. Instantly capture personal reminders, class lectures, even interviews or song ideas with Voice Memos. Keep all your contact info up to date on all your devices, and easily import numbers, addresses, and photos from Google and Microsoft Exchange. And control all your HomeKit-enabled accessories from the comfort of your desktop.

  • Notes

  • Reminders

  • Calendar

  • Voice Memos

  • Contacts

Internet. Surf the web seamlessly with an updated start page that helps you quickly access your favorite and frequently visited sites. Map out new destinations from your desktop, with gorgeous 3D city views like Flyover, point-to-point directions, and comprehensive transit directions. And instantly search your entire Mac or get results from the internet in just a few keystrokes.

iCloud All your stuff. On your Mac, and everywhere else you want it. Automatically.

Every Apple app uses iCloud — it’s the magic behind the seamless experience you have with all your Apple devices. So you always have your photos, videos, documents, email, notes, contacts, calendars, and more on whatever device you’re using. And any file you store in iCloud Drive can be shared with friends, family, and colleagues just by sending them a link. iCloud Drive also lets you access files from your Mac desktop and Documents folder on any iOS device. It’s all done automatically. Just like that.2

Accessibility We make sure that everyone is able to use a Mac.

macOS comes standard with a wide range of assistive technologies that help people with disabilities experience what the Mac has to offer, providing many features you won’t find in other operating systems. Features such as VoiceOver, Accessibility Keyboard, FaceTime,3 and Text to Speech help everyone get more out of Mac.

Technology Advanced to the core.

macOS features powerful core technologies engineered for the most important functions of your Mac. Thanks to Mac Catalyst, you can now enjoy your favorite iPad apps on your Mac. With SwiftUI, developers have a simple way to build better apps across all Apple platforms with less code. Create ML gives developers a faster and easier way to build machine learning into apps. And support for virtual and augmented reality lets developers create immersive worlds for you to step into.

Compatibility Need to work with Windows?
Mac does that, too.

With macOS, it’s easy to transfer your files, photos, and other data from a Windows PC to your Mac. Work with popular file types such as JPEG, MP3, and PDF, as well as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. And, of course, you can run Microsoft Office natively on a Mac. If you want, you can even run Windows on your Mac.4

All Mac® users know about the Mac App Store®, and most have probably used it to get an app or two. If you’re also a Parallels Desktop® for Mac user, there’s another store you should check out: the Microsoft Store.

The Microsoft Store is accessible from Windows 8 or 10—but in all practical terms, this means onlvidy Windows 10, since Windows 8 is used so rarely these days.

The Microsoft Store is for all things to play or consume on Windows 10: movies, music, apps, books, fonts, extensions to the Edge browser, and even hardware. In Apple® terms, it’s iTunes®, the Mac App Store, iBooks®, and the Apple Store® all rolled into one. However, in this blog post, I will focus mainly on apps available from the Microsoft Store.

Accessing the Store

Just as Apple has the App Store app, Microsoft has the Microsoft Store app. (See Figure 1.)

Here are some apps I have downloaded from the Microsoft Store, none of which are available on the Mac App Store:

GamesProductivityLearningJust Interesting
Age of Empires: Castle SiegeMicrosoft WhiteboardKakitai: Learn Japanese by WritingNebo*
Crossy Road*Office 365 Home*Sensavis Visual Learning ToolPlumbago
Microsoft MahjongSway*Penbook
Age of Empires: Definitive EditionDelve*GestureSign
Age of SpartaMicrosoft MathMicrosoft Font Maker
Fluid Math

*Available for the iPhone®/iPad® in the Apple App Store.

All of these apps run fine for me on my MacBook Pro® in a Windows 10 VM using Parallels Desktop 14—with the single exception of Age of Empires: Definitive Edition. I used every setting I know to get this app to run with acceptable performance, but in the end, I gave up. (Age of Empires is my favorite game of all time, as I posted back in 2014.)

You can predict whether an app in the Microsoft Store will run in Parallels Desktop by looking at its system requirements from within your virtual machine. (See Figure 2.)

Figures 3–5 show some other apps from the Microsoft Store running in Parallels Desktop on my MacBook Pro.

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Video 1 shows some games from the Microsoft Store running in Parallels Desktop 14 on my MacBook Pro:

And Video 2 shows some of the 3D models available for the Sensavis Visual Learning Tool:

As of today, there are about 800,000 Windows 10 apps in the Microsoft Store, as opposed to only about 11,000 in the Mac App Store. There are a number of excellent apps in both stores, and the Mac user with Parallels Desktop can take advantage of both to find the perfect app for your needs.

Have you found a particularly useful or novel app on the Microsoft Store? If so, tell us about it in the comments. Nbp colormapx 1 1a photoshop plugin cs6.

These function keys are labeled F1 through F12/F19 (how many you have depends on your keyboard), along with an Escape key and an Eject key that looks like a triangle on top of a horizontal line. By default, every Mac has already assigned commands to the F8 through F12 function keys. MacBook Air Magic Keyboard with Touch ID. The function keys along the upper edge of the Magic Keyboard keyboard provide shortcuts for common functions, such as increasing the volume or screen brightness. Touch ID (the power button) is located on the right side of the function keys. Macbook

Music Player Software For Mac

Here are the best free Mac music play tools for you with their great features. VOX: Music Player. Vox is a good and simple music player sporting minimal looks with tons of options. It supports all the present audio formats like FLAC, MP#, APE, etc. If you love to tweak and fettle with the music settings. Join 100K+ music lovers who have elevated their listening and music discovery experience. Your music in one place. 800+ Audio devices supported. Connect with Tidal and Qobuz. Bit-perfect playback of PCM and DSD Audio - Subscribe annually at $9.99 / monthly.

DSD player software is designed to playback Direct Stream Digital audio files (.dsf, .dff, sacd iso, DoP). Look how to play DSD files via free software (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS for iPhone, iPad), about sound quality, comparison list, F.A.Q. at this page - explanation by audio software developer Yuri Korzunov.

HD audio file conversion

Watch and share: What is DSD audio? Video explanation
Watch and share: Hi Res Audio [How it works. Sound quality. 7 Myths]

DSD player list

WARNING: This table can contain errors. It is not an offer or advertising. We are not affiliated with listed products. We guarantee nothing. If you found wrong information, contact us, please. To get exact information, contact with the software developers and/or vendors.

DSD player audio software list [See FREE audio players for hi-res]

Audio playerOperation systemLicenseSupported file typesSample rateDAC interfaceDescription
DSD players Windows, Mac, Linux
Amarra Luxe Windows, Mac Commercial DSF
Audiogate Windows, Mac DSF, DFF up to DSD128 DAC limitation for the software activation
Audirvana Mac Commercial DSF, DFF (including DST), SACD ISO DoP, DSD to PCM
Daphile Run as firmware (Linux based) from flash stick memory Free DSF Music server. Stereo only
Foobar2000(with sacd input plugin) Windows Free DSF, DFF (including DST), SACD ISO up to DSD512ASIO, DSD to PCM
Fostex Audio Player Windows, Mac Free DSF, DFF up to DSD128 ASIO, DoP
JRiver Windows, Mac, Linux Commercial DSF, DFF (including DST), SACD ISO ASIO, DoP, DSD over DLNA, DSD to PCM, PCM to DSD
HQ Player Windows, Mac, Linux Commercial DSF, DFF (non-compressed DSDIFF) up to DSD1024 DSD to PCM, PCM to DSD, ASIO, DoP
Hysolid Windows Free DSF up to DSD256 ASIO, DoP WASAPI To work on music server PC with smartphone app control
Logitech Media Server Windows, Mac, Linux DoP PCM files Bit-perfect PCM output of DoP Need additional hardware and pre-conversion DSD files to PCM DoP files. How to adjust and use the software.
Media Player Classic Windows Free DSF, DFF
moOde audio player To run on Raspberry Pi Free Here information about DSD settings
Pine Player Mac Free DSD to PCM (up to 768 kHz)Mac App Store
Resonic Player Windows Free, Commercial DSF, DFF up to DSD512
Roon Windows, Mac;
server on Windows, Mac, Linux
Commercial Bit-perfect, DSD to PCM Server may be installed on network area storage (NAS)
TEAC HR Audio Player Windows, Mac Free DSF, DFF up to DSD256 ASIO, DoP
Technics Audio Player Windows, Mac DSF, DFF up to DSD128 USB driver Read the software license agreement about using limitations

Run as firmware from flash stick memory on PC, Raspberry Pi, other

UPNP DLNA, Airplay, DoP Music server
Wtfplay Linux Free DSF up to DSD128; DSD256, DSD512 are experimental DoP
DSD players Android and iOS (mobile applications)
HibyMusicAndroid, iOS Free DSF, DFF (including DST), ISO up to DSD256 net driver (Dropbox / DLNA / LAN) native DSD, DoP, DSD to PCM
Hi-Res music player-NePLAYERiOS Commercial DSF, DFF up to DSD256 DSD to PCM, DoP Check DSD replay issues at online store page
HYSOLIDAndroid, iOS Free Music server control application
Neutron Music PlayerAndroid, iOS Commercial UPnP / DLNA, USB DAC, DoP, DSD to PCM There is evaluation version 'Neutron Music Player (Eval)' on Android
Onkyo HF PlayerAndroid, iOS Free, Commercial DSF, DFF up to DSD256 AOA 2.0, DoP, DSD to PCM Some limitations of free version
TEAC HR Audio PlayerAndroid, iOS DSF, DFF up to DSD256 DoP, DSD to PCM There are DSD limitations of free version
USB Audio Player PROAndroid Commercial DoP, DSD to PCM, native DSD playback

HD audio file conversion

Download FREE DSD converters >

Check FREE DSD music downloads >

Read about DSD DACs >

Read more about mobile device connections to DSD playback here.

How to play DSD files

To play DSD files, audio player software should be configured properly. DAC may be either DSD or PCM.
There is no general rule, that is the best sound quality for every case.
When PCM DAC is used, the conversion of DSD to PCM format is used.
DSD DAC may get an audio stream natively ('native DSD' stream via ASIO driver) of DoP (DSD over PCM).

Music Player Software For Mac

Check out How to play DSD with foobar2000 >

Read more details below.

How do I get the best sound quality on my computer?

You can get the best sound quality on your computer / laptop on Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile device on Android, iOS, when you reduce weak places of the audio-signal path and your DAC works in optimal resolution.

What is bit-perfect mode

DSD files may be played back in bit-perfect modes:

  • DSD file (DSF, DFF, SACD ISO);
  • DoP (DSD over PCM) file (FLAC, WAV, AIFF, other lossless PCM files).

Bit-perfect means transmitting of audio file content to DAC without altering.

What is gapless playback

When uninterrupted albums (operas, concerts) listen, non-gapless playback can cause clicks at track borders.

Gapless playback means playback album as a solid (uninterrupted) stream without re-initialization of DAC.

If the album is converted from an audio format to another one with resampling, it can cause artifacts at track borders. To avoid the track-border artifacts, True Gapless conversion may be used.

Offline conversion mode

With bit-perfect mode, you can playback offline pre-converted audio files (including PCM to DSD). This mode doesn't consume additional computing resources for altering an audio file. Also, it saves electrical energy that is spent on the processing.

Many digital audio players (DAP) capable of playback at stereo headphones. But some of your records may be multichannel.

When DAP play a multichannel record, it downmixes to 2.0. Downmixing is a lossy operation and its sound quality depends on implementation.

Also, extra channels consume free space on the hard disk of the DAP. Offline pre-downmixed to stereo files allow putting more songs at hard disk.

If file played back on a mobile device in bit-perfect mode or with minimal processing, it allows:

  1. saving battery charge;
  2. getting a longer time of autonomous work;
  3. getting more computing resources for other (not audio player) applications.

Inline conversion mode

DSD and PCM files may be played back with inline (real-time, 'on-fly') altering of audio content:

  • with DSD resampling;
  • with room correction;
  • with conversion DSD to PCM on PCM DAC.

This mode allows saving time for pre-converting of various audio files to the best sounding mode of DAC. But each playback can consume big computing resources to resolution conversion and other processing.

Real-time playback conversion DSD to PCM on mobile devices consume additional battery charge and part of the device CPU performance. It can cause a lesser time of autonomous work and reduce the response of other (non-player) applications.

Inline (real-time) vs offline conversion
of audio files on mobile devices

Offline conversion of audio files gives a longer battery lifetime. Because a mobile device performs lesser calculation number.

Also pre-downmix, pre-conversion DSD to PCM, pre-downsampling save free space at the hard disk of the mobile device.

DAC interfaces

To DSD playback (including bit-perfect) under Windows, DAC may be connected to an audio player via ASIO driver or DoP protocol.

Appcode for windows. Also, WASAPI (with DoP) interface may be used to playback (including bit-perfect).

DoP is the special open protocol to coding DSD into PCM audio stream. The stream cannot be played back as PCM.

To DSD playback under Mac, DAC may be connected to an audio player via DoP protocol.

Read more about:

What is the best DSD player

In audiophile application, the players are compared by the sound quality.

If the player has bit-perfect mode and used DAC support played file resolution, sound quality is the same for such players.

But, if an audio resolution is altered or EQ is used, then applied processing quality is a matter.

In general, the best DSD player with processing should cause minimal distortions.

Also kind of distortions may be matter.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is DSD player? How do I listen DSD files?

DSD player is a device or software, that capable to play audiophile format Direct Stream Digital. It may be suggested as SACD optical disks or computer files.

Is DSD better than FLAC?

It is matter of recording quality and playback tool implementation. Read about DSD and FLAC comparison..

Is DSD audio worth it?

DSD allow to simplify a playback system and solve some issues of analog filter, theoretically. But implementation of the system makes actual result. See more..

Where can I download FLAC songs for free? Where can I download high-quality music for free?

You can download high-quality (high-resolution) files from the download resources into list here..

Can VLC play DSF?

Looks like, VLC can't play DSF. Follow current state here..

Can iPhone play DSD files?

Yes. iOS player software can play DSD files. See here..

How do I play DSF files with foobar2000?

Yes, you can. Read foobar2000 DSD playback guide here..

Can Windows Media Player play DSD?

No. Windows Media Player can't play DSD. But, you can use other software..

What is DSD music file?

DSD audio files are files, that capable to contains DSD audio content: DSF, DFF, SACD ISO and DoP FLAC, WAV, etc. Read details here..

What is DSF audio file?

Read DSF file quick guide here..

What is DFF audio file?

DFF file is one of DSD files. Its audio data content is identical to DSF by the sound quality. Read DFF file details here..

How do I open DFF file?

DFF file is supported by software..

How do I play DFF files?

DFF files are played back via auio player software..

How do I play SACD ISO file?

You can play SACD ISO at hardware and software players.

However, SACD ISO may contains stereo and multichannel album variant. And it consume additional place at hardware player.

You can extract SACD ISO to DSD or PCM files. You choice PCM vs DSD is matter of your music player and hardware ability.

See more:

How do I convert DSF to FLAC?

Read about conversion DSF to FLAC here..

How do I convert DSF to mp3?

Read about conversion DSF to mp3 here..

What is native DSD support?

DSD files may be played back 3 ways:

  1. on-fly conversionDSD to PCM, and playback on PCM DAC (in PCM mode of the DAC);
  2. offline conversion DSD to PCM with conversion software, and playback on PCM DAC (in PCM mode of the DAC);
  3. transmit DSD audio stuff to DSD DAC to playback.

Option #3 is called 'native DSD support'. DSD may be transmitted via ASIO driver or as DoP.

September 15, 2020 updated | since May 01, 2018

Read articles about audio

Jul 19,2019 • Filed to: Manage Music • Proven solutions

What are the best music organizer programs? does anyone have some good suggestions?

If you have the above puzzle, then you have come to the right place! You can use the Best Music Organizer to clean and sort your massive music library, which would be a time-consuming and an exhausting process if you do it manually. This article discusses and compares some best music organizers for Android, Windows and Mac OS X platforms.

Part 1. Best Music Organizer for iTunes - iMusic

One of the best ways to organize music for Apple devices is to use iMusic . The best music organizer for iTunes has received the highest star ratings from the end users among its many competitors. The latest version of the software is 8.0.0 and has many revolutionary advancements as compared to the older versions. Although it is a paid application, the quality of services provided by the program is worth the required price. iMusic is regularly upgraded by the developers that makes it one of the best music organizing software. Even though the software is available for Windows platform as well, it works best with Apple devices, i.e. for Mac OS X and iOS.

iMusic - The Best Music Organizer Software to Manage Your iTunes Library

  • Contain the best music organizer to organize iTune Library ,fix music cover ,remove the duplicates files.
  • Record music in original quality and automatically split the ads.
  • Discover and download music from more than 300,000 sites.
  • Transfer music between any two devices directly without iTunes.
  • Fix music library intelligently with correct ID3 tags.
  • Burn music to cds in one click.
  • Remove music DRM protection and convert downloaded M4P music files to MP3 format.

iMusic enables you to perform many tasks that can efficiently organize your music library,and also it's the best music organizer for Android, some of which cannot be achieved even by using iTunes. The application is handy and lets you transfer the data among your Apple devices by completely bypassing iTunes in the process.


  • The in-built intuitive feature of the software automatically fixes the album art, album information and tag information.
  • The music organizing software enables you to convert music and video files into Apple supported formats or Android support formats.
  • Using this application, you can delete duplicate files from your library easily and efficiently.
  • With this music organizer's in-built player, you can directly play the music in iTunes library or connected devices, and the lyrics could be shown as well.
  • You can dicover many popular music from iMusic embedded music website and search music via iMusic YouTube search function quickly.
  • Download music from YouTube, Spotify and record music from any online streaming sites or radio stations.
  • You can connect and transfer the data among multiple Apple devices and Android devices at the same time which reduces the cumbersome task of loading the data to your computer first. This greatly streamlines the data transfer process.
  • With this music organizing , you can share music and videos between iCloud (purchased with a different Apple ID) and iTunes library.
  • All the features of the best music organizing software can be easily accessed through the clean and visually enhanced interface.
  • The 24/7 support provided by the Aimersoft’s technical team can assist you via live chat in case you have any issues while using the software.

Guide to Use the Best Music Organizer to Manage Your iTunes Library

As a one of the best music library organizer , iMusic could help to fix the missing tags and covers, remove the duplicate songs and fine the missing songs. The following guide will show you how to manage your iTunes library.

Step 1: Run iMusic

After download iMusic from the above box, run this software to it's 'Toolbox' interface. Then click 'CLEAR UP ITunes Library'

Step 2: Click 'Scan' button

The program will navigate you to scan interface, click the 'Scan ' button to come into the next process.

Step 3: Click 'fix' button

Following that , come to click the 'fix' button, then you will finish the whole process to manage iTunes library.

Note: You could solely fix one of the four items ( missing tags, missing covers, duplicate tracks and missing tracks) for all the music. For exapmple, solely find and eliminate duplicated tracks or songs. Besides , you could choose the manual method to fix itunes library one by one for certain songs . To Get more details for Fix iTunes library, you could click here to get more .

Part 2. Other 6 Best Music Organizer for Windows and Mac OS X

The best way to organize music is to find and use some tools. A tabulated comparison table between the 6 best music library organizers is given below to make it simpler for you to select the one which is best suited to your needs. A detailed description for each of the said organizers is given after the table. Find a best music organizing software for you here:

Feature Name Tuneup Media Foobar2000 MusicBee MediaMonkey Rinse My Music MusicBrainz Piccard
Supported Operating System(s) Windows, Mac, and iOS Windows Windows Mac OS X, and Windows Mac OS X Mac OS X, Windows, Linux
Price Free trial version for Windows. Paid version for Apple costs $31.99 It is a freeware It is an unrestricted freeware Free trial version available. Can be upgraded to ‘gold’ version for $20 Can be purchased for $39.99. It is a freeware
Star Ratings (out of 5 stars) 5 stars 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars 4 stars 5 stars
Distinguished Features •Allows you to organize your music library. • ‘DeDuper’ feature lets you delete the duplicate files. • ‘Tuniverse’ is a smart feature of the application •Comes with a simple and clean interface.
• Gapless playback feature enables you to play audio files without interruption.
•Allows you to import audio files from iTunes and Windows Media Player.
• Comes with a streamlined and easy-to-use interface.
•Has a completely customizable interface. • Intuitive feature automatically fixes the missing metadata information.
Automatically adds missing album art in your library.
• Allows you to delete the duplicate files and perform a ‘test deletion’ to ensure the correct files would be deleted.
• Easy to use and clean interface makes it convenient for beginners.
• Automatically fixes and sorts your music library.
• Supports a wide range of file formats.

Tuneup Media - one of best music library organizers

Supported Operating System: Windows and Mac


TuneUp Media is a simple plug-in and a must-have companion application when it comes to cleaning and organizing your music library. Being enriched with unique smart features that make the application one of the best music organizers, the program gains the highest star rating among its various competitors. The revolutionary software is changing the entire process of managing, organizing and discovering the digital music collection.


  • The smart feature of the application called ‘Tuniverse’ offers unique music discovery options like local, personalized concert alerts, and finding new music releases as per your genre proclivity.
  • The ‘DeDuper’ feature of the software enables you to effectively remove duplicate files by using advanced acoustic fingerprinting technology.
  • The application automatically identifies and fixes your media files quickly and efficiently.
  • Since it is not a standalone software but a plug-in, it enhances the functionality of pre-installed iTunes and Windows Media Player.


  • The free trial version enables you to fix only up to 50 tracks.
  • The advanced features, at times, become complicated to use for the beginners.

Foobar2000 - Another one of best music library organizers

Supported Operating System: Windows


Foobar2000 is an unrestricted freeware that works as a standalone software for your device. Regular updates for the application are provided by the developer. The latest version comes with generic performance optimizations that enable you to organize a vast number of audio files in your library efficiently.


  • In contrast to other music organizers that come with a complicated interface, Foobar2000 has the minimalistic and simplest interface with better functionality.
  • The software has a built-in music player that supports almost all audio file formats.
  • The gapless playback feature that Foobar has allows you to play your audio files without any delay/interruption.
  • This is one of the fastest and most versatile music organizers that can handle a large number of audio files with ease.
  • The application comes with a completely customizable interface.
  • Foobar2000 also has a plug-in system on par with Firefox.


  • The application has a steep learning curve and requires moderate to advanced computing skills that makes it difficult to use for beginners.
  • There is no Help Forum for the software so you are on your own when it comes to understanding a particular feature.
  • There is no built-in video player and therefore you can play and organize the audio files only in your library.

MusicBee - music organizing software

Supported Operating System: Windows


MusicBee is an efficient tool to organize, search and play music files on your desktop computers or laptop PCs. In contrast to the other competitors, MusicBee is a freeware that includes all the basic and advanced features of an efficient music organizer. Using this application, you can organize your music library easily. The software uses BASS Audio Library.


  • MusicBee is an unrestricted freeware that runs as a standalone app on your device.
  • The application comes with a plain and intuitive interface that streamlines the process of organizing your music library.
  • MusicBee automatically finds and fixes the missing metadata of your media files by searching the information from online databases.
  • The advanced music player comes with a gapless playback feature that enables you to play audio files without interruption.
  • You can import media files from your iTunes library and Windows Media Player using MusicBee.
  • The software allows you to conveniently organize your audio files into folders based on tag values such as album, name, genre, etc.


  • The application does not have a built-in video player.
  • MusicBee gets downloaded as a .ZIP file which, at times, creates issues during installation.
  • Multiple number of settings become cumbersome at the beginning.

MediaMonkey - music organizing software

Supported Operating System: Mac OS X and Windows


If you want to use a standalone software to organize and manage your massive music library, MediaMonkey is one of the best music organizers to do the needful. The application is a fully integrated music player, organizer, and encoder that enables you to play audio files of almost all popular audio file formats. The developers regularly upgrade the software for its proper functionality and sophistication. The latest version is 4.1.11 and has more than 40 upgraded features including better synchronization with Android devices.


  • You can easily manage thousands of music and video files without bogging down your computer.
  • The intuitive feature of the application automatically fixes and tags the metadata of the audio files.
  • The software allows you to create and manage customized playlists.
  • The customizable interface makes it attractive and easy to use.
  • Most of the streaming radios are supported by the application.


  • The browser window of the software provides limited options.
  • MediaMonkey does not provide podcasts.

Rinse My Music - music organizing software

Supported Operating System: Mac OS X (version 10.5 or later)


Rinse My Music is a third-party software and an Adobe Air application that promises to organize and restore your massive iTunes library efficiently. This is an automated cleanup tool that solves your iTunes organizational issues quickly and effectively. The latest version of Rinse My Music comes with an optional iTunes toolbar that allows you to launch and access the application from within the iTunes itself. Although it is a paid application, it is worth the asking price of $39.99 (at the time of this writing) if you have a huge collection of music in your iTunes library.


  • Rinse My Music automatically adds high resolution album arts to your audio files making your library all more attractive and visually pleasant.
  • The software allows you to create customized playlists from your iTunes library according to the genre of your audio files.
  • This is a smart program that does not rely on the information provided by your media files for organization of your library. Instead, it comes with a large database from which it compares your songs to its own stored information.
  • The application automatically fixes the missing tag information of your media files.
  • Using Rinse My Music you can efficiently remove the duplicate files from your iTunes library. What makes it better that other music organizers is that you can perform a test deletion to be certain that the correct songs are removed at the time of final removal.


  • Rinse My Music is a paid application. The free trial version allows you to organize only 50 audio files in your iTunes library.
  • The Help forum of the software is not distinguished and elaborated which creates problems for those who run into any issues related to its functioning.

MusicBrainz Piccard - music organizing software

Supported Operating System: Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

Navicat for MySQL is a database design, development, administration and automation tool that allows you to connect simultaneously to MySQL and MariaDB databases from a single application on your Mac. Additionally, it supports cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Oracle Cloud and Google Cloud. Navicat for MySQL. Videos (0) Whitepaper (0) Navicat for MySQL 12 - Brochure. Navicat case study. Mysql Buy Navicat for MySQL in Navicat online store. The Navicat Site License Program (SLP) allows corporations or institutions the right to use a specific number of Navicat licenses concurrently in one physical location. Navicat for MySQL is the ideal solution for MySQL/MariaDB administration and development. It is a single application that allows you to connect to MySQL and MariaDB databases simultaneously. Compatible with cloud databases like Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora, Oracle Cloud, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure.


MusicBrainz Piccard is an official MusicBrainz tagger and music organizer that is written in Python programming language. Although this is a cross-platform compatible application, it works best with the Mac OS X platform. The advanced features are introduced in the latest version with an intention to make it the next generation music organizer for MusicBrainz. What makes it better than its competitors is that the latest version focuses on album-oriented tagging as opposed to track-oriented tagging that was there in the earlier ‘Classic’ version. This approach allows you to sort the files in a particular album leaving behind the unwanted ones.


  • The acoustic fingerprinting technology used by the software automatically fixes and replaces the missing tag information of your audio files.
  • The clean and streamlined interface of the software enables even the less experienced users to maneuver the application efficiently and with ease.
  • MusicBrainz Piccard supports a wide range of file formats and also allows you to install additional plugins.
  • The application comes with a built-in search engine, thus enabling you to find a wide range of audio files easily.


  • Some users have expressed their concerns over the security and privacy issues as the software scans and rummages through the entire hard drive automatically.
  • The Help Forum of MusicBrainz is not beneficent.

Disclaimer: The best way to organize music is to find and use some tools. The described best music library organizers are considered the best ones based on average user ratings solely. There is no discretion and judgment provided by the author or the site whatsoever.

Minecraft For Macbook Air Free

You may get in trouble and I am not responsible for anything that happens. Just go to Minecraft’s official website(Minecraft Official Site) and there will. 2d minecraft game MAC/PC MACROCOSM v.0.1.8 Texture packs! 1.7.8 Program Mod. Minecraft 1.7.8 Game Version. Kosmokiller 08/10/14. posted 06. Already own Minecraft? Download it again for Windows, Mac and Linux. Download server software for Java and Bedrock and play with your friends. Explore new gaming adventures, accessories, & merchandise on the Minecraft Official Site. Buy & download the game here, or check the site for the latest news.

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The incredibly thin and light MacBook Air is now more powerful than ever. It features a brilliant Retina display, new Magic Keyboard, Touch ID, processors with up to twice the performance,1 faster graphics and double the storage capacity. The sleek wedge-shaped design is created from 100 per cent recycled aluminium, making it the greenest Mac ever.2 And with all-day battery life, our most popular Mac is your perfectly portable, do-it-all notebook.

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Retina DisplayFour million pixels.
One immersive experience.

With a resolution of 2560x1600 for over 4 million pixels, the results are positively jaw dropping. Images take on a new level of detail and realism. Text is sharp and clear. And True Tone technology automatically adjusts the white point of the display to match the colour temperature of your environment — making web pages and email look as natural as the printed page. With millions of colours, everything you see is rich and vibrant. The display glass goes all the way to the edge of the enclosure, so you can focus on what’s on your screen. And you’re going to love what you see.

MacBook Air packs heavy-duty performance into just 1.29kg. The available quad-core Intel Core i7 processor delivers up to two times faster CPU performance1 and up to 80 per cent faster graphics performance4 to help you power through everything from browsing the web to playing games to editing video. Up to 16GB of high-performance 3733MHz memory lets you work seamlessly even with multiple apps open. The fast SSD storage starts at 256GB — double the capacity of the previous standard configuration. Micro sd memory card flashing software free download. And it can be configured with up to 2TB, providing plenty of room for all your movies, music, photos, files and games.

MacBook Air now features the new Magic Keyboard, first seen on the 16‑inch MacBook Pro. The refined scissor mechanism with 1 millimetre of travel delivers a responsive, comfortable and quiet typing experience. The inverted‑T arrow keys help you fly through lines of code, spreadsheets or game environments. And the backlit keys with ambient light sensor help you type in low-light settings.

The Force Touch trackpad is one of the best in the world. It lets you interact with your Mac in a variety of ways based on subtle differences in pressure. You have precise control and a uniform response — no matter where you click the trackpad — as well as plenty of room for Multi-Touch gestures like pinch and zoom. Your fingers will feel right at home.

The advanced security and convenience of Touch ID are built into MacBook Air. Simply place your finger on the Touch ID sensor and — just like that — your Mac unlocks. You can also use your fingerprint to immediately access locked documents, notes and system settings, without entering yet another password.

Apple T2 Security Chip

MacBook Air features the Apple T2 Security Chip — second-generation custom Mac silicon designed by Apple to make MacBook Air even more secure. So when you use Touch ID to unlock your Mac or authenticate a document, your information stays safe. With on-the-fly data encryption, all your data stored on the SSD is automatically and fully encrypted.

With the latest in processing and tuning techniques, MacBook Air sounds better than ever. Stereo speakers deliver twice the bass and 25 per cent more volume.3 And wider stereo sound creates immersive audio when you’re listening to music or watching a movie. The FaceTime camera lets one — or many — of your friends and family members see you in high definition. And three microphones form an array that more accurately captures your voice for FaceTime calls and dictation.

Thunderbolt 3 combines ultra-high bandwidth with the ultra-versatility of the USB-C industry standard to create one revved-up universal port — and MacBook Air has two of them. Thunderbolt 3 integrates data transfer, charging and video output in a single connector, delivering up to 40 Gbps of throughput for twice the bandwidth of Thunderbolt 2. Existing devices are easily connected with a cable or adapter. And Thunderbolt 3 is reversible, so no matter how you plug it in, it’s always the right side up.

Featuring dedicated apps for music, TV and podcasts, smart new features in the apps you use every day, and Sidecar, which lets you use iPad as a second Mac display.

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MacBook Air is made with an aluminium alloy created by Apple that delivers the same strength, durability and flawless finish — without mining any new aluminium from the earth. It’s designed to use shavings of recaptured aluminium that are re-engineered down to the atomic level. The result is an enclosure as incredibly beautiful and strong as any we have made.2

Find the right
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Are you looking for the best Auto Clicker for Mac? Have you find a lot on the internet but didn’t get what you are looking for? Then you are at the right place because in today’s guide I am going to share with you the best automation tool for your Macbook or iMac.

I am not only sharing the program but I also tell you the proper guidance of how to use this tool and install it on Macbook step by step. If you are really interested in this topic then don’t forget to read till the end. Otherwise, you may skip some useful tips or some other tricks that will really help you.

What Is Auto Clicker For Mac

Before we proceed to the guide first let’s talk about this tool. Like why we need this or what this tool means. So, basically Auto Clickeris a tool that is used to automate the Mouse clicks. For instance, you are working with an app that requires clicks after some intervals but you are tired of doing the same thing again and again.

Or you are using any PPC advertisement website where they ask to click on the ad to earn money. Then at this place, we require such a tool that does all these steps automatically.

You can set this Auto Clicker on how many times it clicks on any position. Also, you can change the location or even add two or more locations where it automatically clicks.

This is the reason why required to have this best tool to make our work easy. With this Mac version, you will get many other features that you can read from the below guide.

Auto Clicker For Mac Features

I have mentioned why this tool is helpful and in which case we required to have it. But if you want to deeply learn this tool then here is the feature list that would help you.

In this list, I am going to share all the major features which we get in this application. You may find more interesting things after using it by yourself.

Ok so here is the list of Auto Clicker for Mac Features:

Before and After Click Interval

This is a new feature that not all applications provide so with the help of this you can change the time-lapse of before and after a click. For example, you can choose 5 seconds before click and 10 seconds after the click. So, now this application will first click in 5 seconds and then after 10 seconds.

Auto Stop

This tool provides you with another feature of auto-stop which means when you set an interval it automatically stops. Even though you can directly stop it by setting a keyboard shortcut key.

Click Count Support

Auto Clicker also provides the click count feature. So, now when you run this tool then you can check the progress on how many times it clicks at a certain place.

Low CPU Usage

Many automation utilities are available on the internet but the problem is they use a huge amount of our CPU. In this case, we damage our machine but now don’t worry about this anymore. This doesn’t use a lot of your CPU and can avoid it from overheating.


There are many tools available on the internet that works the same as this but the problem is those are paid. So, now if you don’t have enough money to purchase then here is the perfect Auto Clicker for Mac.

Virus Free

No doubt everybody is afraid of being attacked from malware, trojans and other viruses. This application is scanned by virus total and it doesn’t find any malicious code inside it. Now feel free and keep using this amazing tool on Macbook and iMac.

Minecraft For Macbook Air Free


Do you have an older Macbook running an older version of macOS? Well, don’t worry about this then because it also supports various versions of macOS. You can read the system requirements below to check if it is still compatible or not.

System Requirements

As we know that this is the best tool available for the Mac users and if you are going to give a try to it. Then make sure to read these system requirements and then proceed for download. Because if you don’t have anything from the below requirement you won’t be able to run it.

macOS Compatible versions:

  • Tiger (Mac Version 10.4)
  • Leopard (Mac Version 10.5)
  • Snow Leopard (Mac Version 10.6)
  • Lion (Mac Version 10.7)
  • Mountain Lion (Mac Version 10.8)
  • Mavericks (OS X 10.9)
  • Yosemite (OS X 10.10)
  • El Capitan (OS X 10.11)
  • Sierra (macOS 10.12)
  • High Sierra (macOS 10.13)
  • Mojave (macOS 10.14)
  • Catalina (macOS 10.15)


  • 2 GBs or above


  • 1.8 GHz or above


  • 10GB of Free Storage (SSD/HDD)

Download Auto Clicker on Mac

Now if you read the requirement and found you have all these things than you are ready to go. Here is the guide which you can follow to download it easily. We don’t use any in-link advertisement or pop-up & pop-under ads. The links are 100% clean and support fast downloading.

1. First of all click on the Download button that is provided above in this guide.

2. Now it will take you to our download page where you can see more information about this tool like Size, Version Info, Updated date, and others.

3. Under this table, you will find another button labeled as Download Auto Clicker For Mac. Now click on this button and it will open a new tab.

4. At this time you will be redirected to the Mega link where you can see two buttons. 1. Import to (mega icon) 2. Download in Browser. So, we can simply click on the second button but if you have a Mega account you can import to their to download it later or access it later.

5. When we click on it the application will start downloading in our browser. After the download completes it will be added in your browser download section.

That’s it the program is downloaded successfully you can see this by going to Recent Files in Finder. As we have downloaded this utility tool now let’s check the way of use. Below is the guide in which you learn how to install and use this application.

Install & Use Auto Clicker in Mac

Installation of this tool is not so difficult but usage is. Just because this tool is portable so we don’t need to install it separately. We can simply double click on the Zip file and it will expand the program. Here you can see the Auto Clicker for Mac icon in Finder. Now double click the program and it will be opened automatically.

But at the first startup, it will ask for some permission. Now follow the below steps which we can use to set up this for the first use.

How to Use Auto Clicker on Mac

As I said we don’t need to install it on our machine because it is the portable tool. So, after unzipping it double click on the program’s icon.

1. When you double click to open this tool it will show you a message to allow accessibility.

2. On the right-hand side, you will see 3 buttons 1. Check Permission 2. Close 3. Open System Preferences.

3. Now we have to click on the Open System Preferences button and it will open Settings.

Minecraft For Macbook Air

4. From here click the Lock Icon located left-side below and it will ask for the Administrator password. Enter the password and click Ok to unlock settings.

5. Now tick the Auto Clicker From the Accessibility List and close the Settings.

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6. Go back to the tool and then check “Do Not Check For Permission On Startup” and then click Close.

That’s it the program is now ready to use so you can see the whole menu is designed perfectly. You can easily understand it and use it without having any issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have you read the complete guide? But still, have some questions that you wanted to ask? Then here is the list of some most asked questions that people are looking for. You can also find the relevant answer here. If you didn’t find the answer then don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section. I will try my best to answer your question and solve the problem if you are facing any.

Is Mac Auto Clicker Safe To Use?

Yes, Auto Clicker is 100% safe to use because it doesn’t ask permission of storage so this means our data is safe. Also, it doesn’t contain any type of virus and scanned by Virus Total tool.

Minecraft For Macbook Air Free

How To Uninstall Auto Clicker From Mac?

Uninstalling this tool is not a difficult task because as I said it doesn’t require installation. So, all you need to do is right-click on the Zip file or the extracted tool and click Move to Trash. Now remove all files from the trash as well to completely remove it.

What is the Size of Auto Clicker On Mac?

This tool is very light in size as the total size of Auto Clicker is around 700Kbs only. So, feel free to use it even if you don’t have much space free in Hard Disk or SSD.


No doubt that Auto Clicker for Mac is a really helpful thing in many places as it saves huge time. Instead of this, we get the low CPU usage and absolutely free tool that worth it.

The user interface is also unique and simple anyone can use it even if they never use any tool before. Also, the time interval feature of the auto-stop is cool because we don’t have to wait and kill this app until the task is done.

I have written a complete guide on how to download this tool so if you have skipped it and face problems in downloading then go above and read the guide.

Also, I have written a guide on how to install and use which you can follow to avoid making a mistake at the time of installation.

So, if you just loved this application make sure to share it with your friends because share is care. Also, it encourages me to bring more cool tools for you. Don’t forget to bookmark it so by doing this you will get the latest posts before anyone else.

Mac Auto Clicker

Auto Clicker for Mac is a tool that is used for mouse automation. With the help of this, you can set the interval of time and clicks. Instead of this, you can choose the auto stop when that time interval completes.

Minecraft is a game chock-full of adventure, exploration and creativity where you survive in a world composed of blocks – similar to Legos – that you can move around however you like from a first-person point of view. Now, when we say 'however you like'—we really mean it. Collect blocks of any sort of material to use later for whatever you see fit.
In this infinite realm, you can do everything from chipping off big chunks of stone to building a house, chopping down trees to craft furniture, or even putting together more complex projects like wells, statues, entire buildings, etc. Your only limit is your imagination, and as soon as you start, you'll realize that the options at your disposal are practically endless.
Obviously, building things is only one part of Minecraft. The other part happens at nightfall, when monsters come out of their caves and the game becomes a proper survival horror title. It's then that you have to face off against giant spiders, skeletons, endermen, and other terrifying creepers. It's then that you'll make good use of your sword or bow and arrows.
To survive in the world of Minecraft you'll need more than just your home with a bed, your sword, and a few tools. Explore the whole world, you'll find the best materials aren't always lying around in plain sight. And you'll definitely want to make good use of the huge freedom this game offers at all times.
Minecraft was a smash indie success that has grown into a modern-day classic. And with good reason. This masterpiece by Notch has managed to worm its way into the hearts of millions of players.
By Erika OkumuraMinecraft in 2015: Still lots of life left in it

It might appear that the trail has gone cold and the scent of Minecraft is waning, but in fact there’s nothing further from the truth. After Microsoft’s acquisition of Mojang (Minecraft’s studio creator) for $2.5 billion last year, the numbers have continued to stack up: 20 million digital copies sold for the PC and Mac versions and more than 30 million of the Pocket version, not to mention the recent launch of a new version for Windows 10 and its interconnection between platforms. Without counting those who play the Free version, the number of Minecraft purchases has now topped the total population of Spain or Colombia.
Read more


This version only lets you play for 100 minutes.

Macbook Pro 2009 Sierra

Hi rthomaslyons,
Thanks for posting your question in the Apple Support Community! I understand you have questions about updating your MacBook Pro! I always like to make sure my MacBook Pro stays up-to-date, so I'm happy to share some info with you.
In order to update to macOS Sierra, you need to have one of the computers listed on on the compatibility website:
How to get macOS Sierra

If your Mac is not able to update to macOS Sierra, you may be able to update to El Capitan. You can find the details on that here:
Upgrade to OS X El Capitan
Take care.

MacBook (late 2009 and later) iMac (late 2009 and later) MacBook Air (2010 and later) MacBook Pro (2010 and later) Mac Mini (2010 and later) Mac Pro (2010 and later) Here's the patch tool by dosdude for High Sierra, Iused his former patch to do the Sierra upgrade. It also tells you how to install it. It is reported to work on theses unsupported. MacBook (late 2009 and later) iMac (late 2009 and later) MacBook Air (2010 and later) MacBook Pro (2010 and later) Mac Mini (2010 and later) Mac Pro (2010 and later) Here's the patch tool by dosdude for High Sierra, Iused his former patch to do the Sierra upgrade. It also tells you how to install it. It is reported to work on theses unsupported. Download Apple MacOS Sierra for Mac to rediscover your best photos, shop faster and conveniently online, and even Siri makes its debut on the latest OS update for Mac. IMacs and MacBooks from.

@mayer - Apple lists 2010 or later for the MacBook Pro's so the installer may not let you. I think you should be able to cheat by using a different system to prep up the HD. The only thing I can think would be if the video drivers are missing in the build. MacBook Pro 15' Unibody Mid 2009. Apple MacBook Pro 'Core 2 Duo' 2.8 15' (SD) Specs. Identifiers: Mid-2009 15' - MB986LL/A - MacBookPro5,3 - A1286 - 2325. It has a 64 bit Architecture and therefore should be able to take Sierra. But then so does my early 2009 MacPro and I had to do a firmware hack to make it think it was a 2010 before I could install.

Power adapters for Mac notebooks are available in 29W, 30W, 45W, 60W, 61W, 85W, 87W, and 96W varieties. You should use the appropriate wattage power adapter for your Mac notebook. You can use a compatible higher wattage power adapter without issue, but it won't make your computer charge faster or operate differently. If you use a power adapter that is lower in wattage than the adapter that came with your Mac, it won't provide enough power to your computer.

Mac notebooks that charge via USB-C come with an Apple USB-C Power Adapter with detachable AC plug (or 'duckhead'), and a USB-C Charge Cable.

Mac notebooks that charge via MagSafe come with an AC adapter with MagSafe connector and detachable AC plug, and an AC cable.

The images below show the style of adapter that comes with each MacBook, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Air. If you're not sure which model Mac you have, use these articles:


Apple 29W or 30W USB-C Power Adapter and USB-C Charge Cable Play free blackjack against computer.

  • MacBook models introduced in 2015 or later

Apple 30W USB-C Power Adapter and USB-C Charge Cable

  • MacBook Air models introduced in 2018 or later

Apple 61W USB-C Power Adapter and USB-C Charge Cable

  • 13-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2016 or later

Apple 87W USB-C Power Adapter and USB-C Charge Cable

  • 15-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2016 or later

Apple 96W USB-C Power Adapter and USB-C Charge Cable

  • 16-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2019

Make sure you're using the correct USB-C charge cable

For the best charging experience, you should use the USB-C charge cable that comes with your Mac notebook. If you use a higher wattage USB-C cable, your Mac will still charge normally. USB-C cables rated for 29W or 30W will work with any USB-C power adapter, but won't provide enough power when connected to a power adapter that is more than 61W, such as the 96W USB-C Power Adapter.

You can verify that you're using the correct version of the Apple USB-C Charge Cable with your Mac notebook and its USB-C AC Adapter. The cable's serial number is printed on its external housing, next to the words 'Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China.'

  • If the first three characters of the serial number are C4M or FL4, the cable is for use with an Apple USB-C Power Adapter up to 61W.
  • If the first three characters of the serial number are DLC, CTC, FTL, or G0J, the cable is for use with an Apple USB-C Power Adapter up to 100W.
  • If the cable says 'Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China' but has no serial number, you might be eligible for a replacement USB-C charge cable.

MagSafe 2

85W MagSafe power adapter with MagSafe 2 style connector

  • 15-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2012 through 2015

60W MagSafe power adapter with MagSafe 2 style connector

  • 13-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2012 through 2015

45W MagSafe power adapter with MagSafe 2 style connector

  • MacBook Air models introduced in 2012 through 2017

About the MagSafe to MagSafe 2 Converter

If you have an older MagSafe adapter, you can use it with newer Mac computers that have MagSafe 2 ports using a MagSafe to MagSafe 2 Converter (shown).

MagSafe 'L' and 'T' shaped adapters

60W MagSafe power adapter with 'T' style connector

  • 13-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2009
  • MacBook models introduced in 2006 through mid 2009

60W MagSafe power adapter with 'L' style connector

  • 13-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2010 through 2012
  • MacBook models introduced in late 2009 through 2010

85W MagSafe power adapter with 'T' style connector

  • 15-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2006 through 2009
  • 17-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2006 through 2009

85W MagSafe power adapter with 'L' style connector

  • 15-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2010 through 2012
  • 17-inch MacBook Pro models introduced in 2010 through 2011

45W MagSafe power adapter with 'L' style connector

  • 13-inch MacBook Air models introduced in 2008 through 2011*
  • 11-inch MacBook Air models introduced in 2010 through 2011

* Adapters that shipped with the MacBook Air (Original), MacBook Air (Late 2008), and MacBook Air (Mid 2009) are not recommended for use with MacBook Air (Late 2010) models. When possible, use your computer's original adapter or a newer adapter.

Learn more

You can get extra or replacement adapters with AC cord and plug at the Apple Online Store, an Apple Reseller, or an Apple Store.

A replacement adapter might not be the same size, color, shape, or wattage as the original adapter that came with your computer. But it should power and charge your Mac like the adapter that originally came with your computer.

If you need help using your MagSafe adapter, see Apple Portables: Troubleshooting power adapters.

If you're looking for a PowerPC-based power adapter, see PowerPC-based Apple Portables: Identifying the right power adapter and power cord.

Which Mac operating system is the best is a topic of numerous debates among Apple fans.

Since the mission of this blog is to refute myths and legends around Macs, it’s time for me to provide my 2 cents about the issue on hand. While everything below is just my opinion, as a long-time Mac user and veteran software engineer, I hope my opinion worth something.

TLDR; The best Mac OS version is the one that your Mac is eligible to upgrade to. In 2019-2020 it is macOS Catalina. However, users that need to run 32-bit applications on Mac should not go with Catalina because it only supports 64-bit apps. Also, older Macs would benefit if upgraded at least to macOS Sierra because this is the earliest operating system for which Apple still releases security updates.

Update: On WWDC 2020 Apple announced a new macOS Big Sur, which is said to have the biggest UI redesign and the biggest Safari update. New Safari will run 50% faster than Chrome and use less battery. It also has new limitations: Big Sur will require at least MacBook Pro late 2013, MacBook Air 2013, and Mac Mini 2014 or later to run. Big Sur will be released in the fall of 2020.

How to Tell Which macOS You Are Running

To find out which macOS is currently running on your Mac, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Apple logo in the top left corner of the menubar
  2. In the dropdown click on the first item: About This Mac
  3. The first line in the Overview tab is the name of the current OS.

What Version of OS Can My Mac Run?

Not all Macs can be upgraded to the latest OS version. For instance, old Macs powered by PowerPC CPUs cannot run OS intended for Intel-based computers. Also, some versions have hardware limitations.

For instance, Mojave cannot be installed on MacBook Pro earlier than Mid 2012 model.

Check below to know exactly what version of OS your Mac can run.

Which OS is Best for my Mac

Anytime someone asks me which OS is best for them I always suggested going with the latest. Things have changed recently, however.

Should I Upgrade to macOS Catalina?

While personally I like macOS Catalina and have it installed on my MacBook Pro, Catalina comes with serious breaking changes. If you have old 32-bit apps, they will not run in the new OS. macOS Catalina and newer can only run 64-bit apps.

If you wondering whether you should upgrade to macOS Catalina, first verify that you don’t have any 32-bit apps. But first, take a back up, so you can go back in case something breaks after upgrade.

For instance, I had to remove uTorrent after upgrade. And I didn’t know that uTorrent is 32-bit!

How to Know If App is 32-bit or 64-bit

To find out whether the app on your Mac is 32-bit or 64-bit follow these steps:

  1. Click on Apple logo in the top left corner of the Mac screen
  2. Click on About This Mac option
  3. Click on System Report button in Overview tab (first one)
  4. Scroll down to Software -> Applications
  5. Find the app and check Kind

Which macOS Should I Use

If you have an older Mac which is not eligible to upgrade with some latest software or hardware, I’d suggest upgrading at least to Sierra for the following reasons:

  • Sierra is still supported by Apple, and it gets security updates
  • APFS file system is available
  • It supports Siri
  • Significant security improvements

The most important point when choosing the best OS is the ability getting security updates. While Apple generally does not announce the OS end of life dates, it is possible to know when they stop releasing security updates from this page.

For instance, according to the page, the last security update for OS X Yosemite was released on September 12, 2017. The last update for OS X El Capitan was in July 2018, and Carnegie Mellon University confirmed that El Capitan’s end of life date was August 2018.

Snow Leopard Myth

I know that some users on forums believe that the best OS version for Macs was Snow Leopard. But that is a myth. And I know how such myths get created.

Once I worked in the company, which was selling a 20-year old product. And customers were still using and didn’t want to switch to new versions, because the old one was rock solid.

I then talked to the engineer who worked on the project, and he revealed that the product was a total disaster when it was first deployed. Engineers had to work on-site for almost a year in order to fix all bugs.

After five or so years of polishing the product, it becomes virtually bug-free, and nobody now remembers how bad it was when it was first rolled out. A similar thing happened Snow Leopard, and it was recognized as best mac os version after some time.

Macbook Pro 2009 Sierra

How to Update to the Latest Version

There are two ways to update to the latest OS version on Mac:

  • From the Software Update section in System Preferences
  • Use a download link

Macbook Pro 2009 Battery

Using Software Update

This is by far the best option, but it only available if you have Yosemite, or later OS installed already. If you enabled automatic updates, then Mac will inform you that the next macOS is available.

Just open System Preferences, go to Software Update and click on the Upgrade Now button.

This method is also best if wondering how to check if you have the latest version of OS installed on your Mac. Only the version compatible with your hardware will appear here.

For instance, my the latest version for Mac Mini 2012 is Mojave, I can’t install anything newer than that.

Using download links

For older systems or in case you need to downgrade, you have to download a standalone installer in DMG format. DMG stands for disk image, similar to ISO, just different formats.

After downloading the installer, just double click on it and follow instructions. Again, do not forget to take a backup before the upgrade.

Mac OS Comparisons: Requirements, Features, Compatibility, Download Links

Following is a high-level description of all Mac operating systems as early as Mountain Lion.

You can refer to those descriptions when deciding which operating system is best for your iMac, Mac Pro, Mac mini, or MacBook.

With each OS description, I included a list of Macs supported. However, you can use Mac OS compatibility checker for more detailed information.

macOS 10.15 Catalina

macOS v10.15 (codename Catalina) is the latest version of the operating system for Apple computers.

Release date: October 7, 2019

Hardware Requirements: RAM requirement increased from 2GB to 4GB.


  • Introduced Sidecar, which allows for Macs to use an iPad as an external display.
  • iTunes was replaced by separate apps: Music, Podcasts, and TV.
  • Find My Mac and Find My Friends have merged into one app.

Software Compatibility Issues

macOS Catalina is the first Mac operating system that does not support 32-bit applications. Only 64-bit apps are allowed to run on Catalina.

How to install

There are two ways to install Catalina: enable automatic updates in System Preferences or download by using the following link.

List of Apple computers compatible with macOS Catalina

  • MacBook (Early 2015 or later)
  • MacBook Air (Mid 2012 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 or later)
  • Mac mini (Late 2012 or later)
  • iMac models (Late 2012 or later)
  • iMac Pro (All models)
  • Mac Pro (Late 2013)

macOS 10.14 Mojave

Release date: September 24, 2018

Hardware Requirements: 2GB RAM and 18.5GB free space on disk


  • The main feature of Mojave is “Dark Mode”
  • FaceTime adds group feature which allows chatting with up to 32 people
  • News, Stocks, Voice Memos, and Home apps were ported from iOS to Mac.

How to install

If your Mac is eligible to update to Mojave, then the easiest way to install it is by enabling automatic updates. Downloading a standalone Mojave installer could be a little tricky.

Macbook Pro 2009 High Sierra

List of Apple computers compatible with macOS Mojave

  • MacBook (Early 2015 or later)
  • MacBook Air (Mid 2012 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 or later)
  • Mac mini (Late 2012 or later)
  • iMac (Late 2012 or later)
  • iMac Pro (All models)
  • Mac Pro (Late 2013 and 2010-2012 models with upgraded GPU)

macOS 10.13 High Sierra

Release date: September 25, 2017

Hardware Requirements: 2GB RAM and 14.3GB free space on disk


  • APFS (Apple File System) becomes the default file system in High Sierra. It’s a significant upgrade from the older HFS+ in terms of speed, size, and security
  • iCloud support of Messages which allows sync messages of the account across multiple devices
  • Mail app uses 35% less storage space due to optimizations

List of Apple computers compatible with macOS High Sierra

  • MacBook (Late 2009 or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid 2010 or newer)
  • MacBook Air (Late 2010 or newer)
  • Mac mini (Mid 2010 or newer)
  • iMac (Late 2009 or newer)
  • Mac Pro (Mid 2010 or newer)

How to install

Here is a High Sierra download link.

macOS 10.12 Sierra

This is the first macOS version. Previous OS versions for Macs were called OS X (X stands for 10).

Release date: September 20, 2016

Hardware Requirements: 2GB RAM and 8GB free space on disk


  • Siri was introduced to Macs
  • Optimized storage with iCloud sync
  • Auto-lock feature allows unlocking MacBook with paired Apple Watch
  • APFS preview available
  • Disk Utility can manage RAID sets again
  • Significant security improvements

How to install

Macbook Pro 2009 Sierra

Here is a Sierra download link.

List of Apple computers compatible with macOS Sierra

  • MacBook (Late 2009 or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid 2010 or newer)
  • MacBook Air (Late 2010 or newer)
  • Mac mini (Mid 2010 or newer)
  • iMac (Late 2009 or newer)
  • Mac Pro (Mid 2010 or newer)

OS X 10.11 El Capitan

Last OS X version.

Release date: September 30, 2015

Hardware Requirements: 2GB RAM and 8GB free space on disk


  • System Integrity Protection – a security feature that protects even when the root user executes the process
  • Performance improvements: open PDF files four times faster, Mail is twice faster, launching apps 40% faster
  • Notes app similar to the app in iOS

Macs compatible with OS X El Capitan

same as OS Mountain Lion.

How to install

Here is El Capitan download link.

OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Release date: October 16, 2014

Hardware Requirements: 2GB RAM and 8GB free space on disk

Macs compatible with OS X Yosemite

Same as OS Mountain Lion.


  • Major user design overhaul
  • Introduction of Handoff and Continuity features
  • Photos app replaced iPhoto and Aperture

How to install

Here is Yosemite download link.

OS X 10.9 Mavericks

First free Mac OS. Previous OS versions vary from $19.99 to $129.

Release date: October 22, 2013

Hardware Requirements: 2GB RAM and 8GB free space on disk


Macbook Pro 2009 Sierra 2500hd

  • Compressed Memory feature automatically compresses inactive apps when approaching maximum memory capacity
  • Timer coalescing is a feature that reduces CPU usage by up to 72 percent
  • App Nap puts apps that are not currently visible to sleep

Macs compatible with OS X Mavericks

Same as OS Mountain Lion.

How to install

OS X Mavericks installer is not available on Apple Site. Follow instructions here to install Mavericks.

OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Must be purchased. Fixed many bugs introduced in OS X Lion.

Release date: July 25, 2012

System Requirements: 2GB RAM and 8GB free space on disk


  • New apps: Notification Center, Notes, Messages, Game Center
  • AirPlay mirroring allowed to mirror Mac screen to Apple TV
  • Application updates automatically install from the App Store

List of Apple computers compatible with OS X Mountain Lion

  • iMac (Mid-2007 or newer)
  • MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
  • MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
  • Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
  • Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
  • Xserve (Early 2009)

How to install

Mountain Lion installer is not available on Apple Site. Follow instructions here to install OS X Mountain Lion.

List of older Mac OS Versions

Following Mac OS versions are still running on older Macs, but Apple does not support them anymore, and there is no point to upgrade (or downgrade) to them:

  • OS X 10.7 Lion
  • OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
  • Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
  • Mac OS X 10.3 Panther
  • Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar
  • Mac OS X 10.1 Puma
  • Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah